
Heyyy guys!... Today I have officially published the new AND improved Chapter 1 of The Two Sides Of The Same Coin Story! I hope everyone enjoys the new version and gives it loves if love and stay tuned for the next Chapters to come afterwards. 
          	Thank you and Love you guys!❤❤❤


Heyyy guys!... Today I have officially published the new AND improved Chapter 1 of The Two Sides Of The Same Coin Story! I hope everyone enjoys the new version and gives it loves if love and stay tuned for the next Chapters to come afterwards. 
          Thank you and Love you guys!❤❤❤


Heyyy guys! It's been a while I know... but when I was away I was improving my writing a lot and I had decided that instead of deleting Two Sides Of The Same Coin I will redo the Chapters in my style now. So tomorrow I will be publishing the new and improved Two Sides Of The Same Coin! There is some things I left the same but some things that I had added to change it up a bit...but anyway I hope you enjoy it and give it lots of love!
          Thank you and Love you guys!❤❤❤


Today is my first updating day so the first Chapter of Two Sides Of The Same Coin will be coming out today! Hope you enjoy it I worked hard on it so people like you guys can read it. It will have you on the edge of your seat in different parts of the story so be ready for that.