
Tonight I will be leaving WATTPAD forever, meaning I’m deleting all the stories EVERYTHING. I’ve grown up now and looking back at all my stories and they’re all really cringey. I really don’t want it biting me in the ass someday so with that, tonight at 6pm I will be gone. Thank you all for the good times :)


Tonight I will be leaving WATTPAD forever, meaning I’m deleting all the stories EVERYTHING. I’ve grown up now and looking back at all my stories and they’re all really cringey. I really don’t want it biting me in the ass someday so with that, tonight at 6pm I will be gone. Thank you all for the good times :)


Hey guys. Will be logging out tomorrow and WILL NOT BE ACTIVE UNTIL AFTER AUGUST 6th. I have a wedding I'm attending ;)  I have chapters and imagines ready for all books except for Hidden . Sorry I'm probably gonna delete hidden. Bye guys, I love you ❤️