I can hide behind a smile, but normally I'm a pretty happy person for no reason at all. Little things bring me much joy like meeting a new person, reading an excellent piece of literature, or successfully cooking up a good recipe teehee. I also love to laugh a lot.

I am very passionate about writing; it's my gift from God. I've been passionate since I wrote stories about dinosaurs who survived the meteor in kindergarten. My best friend at the time inspired me and worked with me in this business. I had the crayons, she had the paper. She moved away when I was promoted to first grade, but I continued the business to something I love to do.

I am very passionate about God; He's my Lord and Savior. I was born again last summer after a horrible church experience that nearly killed me, but instead made me stronger. Ever since then, progressing from an agnostic know it all disposition, I am slowly becoming an open minded, humble, gentle spirit, and trying to be the best I can be in service to my God who made me unique and loves me.

I am very passionate about listening to music because it gives me insight into different cultures. For example, I love Chinese and Japanese traditional music; it helps me feel in tune with their cultures. I also love jazz, soul, rap, rock, metal, Russian, and techno- name it I probably like it. My favorite genre of music is jazz. After all that searching, I realized it was jazz that was the one like searching for a long lost loved melody, I found it and I'm just in love with the genre.

Well, drop a hi in my inbox and it would make my day...! :)
  • I'm in wonderland
  • JoinedJune 4, 2013