
A long long time ago I wrote an Elijah fanfiction. Well, now I've created a completely new story. If you're interested in reading it, check my stories out. The third chapter will be out tonight and it's nearing 10,000 words.


It’s been a year daddy 
          Anyways jokes aside how are you faring ? Really missing your updates been rereading a choice 5 times by now I believe but I also want to make sure you’re all right 


Alright well just know that I’ll be waiting for your return patiently 


@Lletethun hehe, hello. I've just been working full-time. One day I'll pick it up again... <3


Hey just wanted to check on you since you haven’t published in a while


Aw, I’m well thanks. I think I just burnt myself out with writing all those chapters in a short period of time. The next chapter is about a third of the way finished… I’ll get around to it at some point :)


I just had to take a small little break from writing. Umbridge seemed to have given me writers block and no initiative to write.
          Talking about writing, an update should be up sometime tomorrow. It's nearing the three-thousand word count for chapter twenty five... so it might've been good that there was a break y'know? Better quality? Maybe.. Haha.
          Anyways, thank you for the on going support... it's appreciated so much. I can't wait until 'Roar' gets more recognition because I really feel like it's got good substance.
          I'm heading to bed... so good-night. I hope you all have a lovely day :)