Angry Bear Film Productions was named after its founder's disgruntled teddy bear character "Mr. Gregory". Mr. Gregory is the beloved companion of middle-aged exotic dancer and talented painter/photographer, Margret Sapphire. After thirty years of diligent silence, Mr. Gregory lunges to life and set's out on a quest to save Margret from herself, in the process, liberating himself from his emotional prison...

Like Mr. Gregory, people live their lives in silence, afraid to make waves. Deep down, we hunger for the truth to be told, the messy unedited truth. Life is messy; it's complicated, confusing, and crazy as shit. Angry Bear Film Productions tells those messy stories; stories as odd as they are entertaining and relatable.

The founder of "Angry Bear", Chris Griffin - being myself - loves to write. Aside from screenplays, I've written comedy sketches and short stories. Even though screenwriting is my priority, I might a well share the twisted prose I've spun out over the years. These stories are written is the genres of comedy, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. Enjoy.
  • JoinedNovember 17, 2013


Last Message
Groovywolfman Groovywolfman Nov 27, 2013 06:49PM
Hello PrincePegasusYep, I'm new to Wattpad.  It looks like a really cool site.  I think I'll check in out more in a couple of weeks once my work dies down for the holidays.I'm a filmmaker who recen...
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Stories by Angry Bear
Fairies of the North by Groovywolfman
Fairies of the North
Many years ago, I started a blog associated with my short films "Grow the Fuck Up!", "Christma...
Rabbit Hole by Groovywolfman
Rabbit Hole
We share our ecosystem with a wide variety of creatures. Most are unassuming. When we find them on "ou...
ranking #62 in vegetables See all rankings
Sloppy Paradise by Groovywolfman
Sloppy Paradise
Jeffery is used to being on top, used to winning. The 44-year-old financier has just tasted victory on his f...
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