
im alive. I think?
          	sorry for keeping you all in the dark. seeing the sonic 3 trailer gave me motivation, somehow.
          	new story...soon. I just need to decide if it should be Jujutsu Kaisen or Demon Slayer. tell me which you'd prefer, would help a lot.


I come back. With actual good news.
          I’m coming back to writing again! 
          Now, I’m gonna do some editing and revamping, as I wanna improve my current stories, even if they were just at their beginnings. I’m going to try and be a better writer, and the story is genuinely higher quality.
          However, one quick question. Would you like my stories to be longer?


That’s awesome man, I don’t have enough time to focus on writing myself, but I’ll happily check out your stuff that comes out


@EpicestOfGamers Then I would say make the chapters longer, it gives the readers more entertainment. But I wouldn't say them T O O long. You do what you want, but I would like longer chapters since having chapters be like, a 2 minute read would be boring. Maybe make chapters up to about 10-30 minutes to read.


@Alan-Bars chapters. The stories are no doubt gonna be long.


Hi. Uhhh. Yeah, I’m still alive. Don’t worry.
          Just got something to say.
          I think (even though this is obvious) I’m not gonna be writing for a while.
          Not because I wanna quit wattpad, it’s probably just school and some other things.
          Will I return to writing? Of course. Just not right now. I don’t know when, but I will.


Take your time, we won’t rush you. 


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My PFP will be Denji until I actually start working on stories again. I apologize for being a dumbass lazy fucker. 
          So uh…


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While writing another chapter for a Silver story (yes there’s still hope), I decided to research silver more.
          Now I’m pretty sure you’re all aware he was previously gonna be a mink, named Venice.
          But he was also supposed to be FUCKING ORANGE.