
Hey there, everyone...
          	It's been a while, hasn’t it? 
          	I know, I know… I’ve been quiet for far too long, and believe me, I’ve missed you all just as much. But, um... *nervous laughter* here I am.
          	You’re probably wondering where I disappeared to, or maybe you've just forgotten about me entirely by now! *heh*  
          	Time kind of slipped through my fingers. I kept telling myself, "I’ll get back to writing those books tomorrow," but before I knew it, days turned into weeks, and here we are. *awkward shrug* 
          	I was just checking in to see how you all are doing… 
          	So, uh, confession time—I may or may not have completely forgotten everything I wrote in “The Playgirl's Lover” and “The Billionaire's Stripper.” I know, I know, it sounds bad! I’ve been staring at the drafts like, "Who wrote this?!" 
          	But hey, I’ll be doing some re-reading and getting back on track. In the meantime, how have all of you been?


Thank you. I have been following everywhere tho. So I won't say I miss you because I am with you always. I just want you to forgive us Here and finish the books


@Elizabethjaybooks I can't wait to read the rest of PGL. All of your books are fantastic!


It looks like this book was abandoned a while ago & I can only hope you complete it one day. The complex relationships between El, Ace, & Hunter has me on the edge of my seat. The first book I hated Ace & how cruel he was to Ella, how dismissive, & selfish he was.  The second book you masterfully wove in moments from the past to give us so subtle insight into where Ella was emotionally. The utter heartbreak is devastating. She is seen as spoiled & selfish when in fact she loves so deeply that she will internalize her own pain to set others free. Pushing people away isn’t healthy, without clear communication as to why. I can only hope she gets the therapy she desperately needs & the child she’s always dreamed of. Thank you for completely changing my mind about Ace & for the incredible character that is Ella. I’d love to see a POV from Avery (did she exploit the situation or did Hunter develop feelings for her after Ella pushed him away?). Hope to one day read their conclusions. Beautiful tragic story.