
To bullies:
          	The boy you punched in the hallway today? He just commit suicide a few minutes ago.
          	That girl you just called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills.
          	That girl you called a slut? She's a virgin.
          	That girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting make-up on, hoping people will like her.
          	That boy you just tripped? He's abused enough at home.
          	That boy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.
          	The man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for your country.
          	Put this on your profile if you're against bullying.
          	I bet 95% of you won't.
          	Quoted by @Turtlefreakakw2


I am part of that 95% who won’t because no matter how hard you try nobody will care.  It’s sad to say but bullying is part of EVERYONES life, whether you like it or not.


To bullies:
          The boy you punched in the hallway today? He just commit suicide a few minutes ago.
          That girl you just called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills.
          That girl you called a slut? She's a virgin.
          That girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting make-up on, hoping people will like her.
          That boy you just tripped? He's abused enough at home.
          That boy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.
          The man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for your country.
          Put this on your profile if you're against bullying.
          I bet 95% of you won't.
          Quoted by @Turtlefreakakw2


I am part of that 95% who won’t because no matter how hard you try nobody will care.  It’s sad to say but bullying is part of EVERYONES life, whether you like it or not.


I am happy even though I am stuck in lockdown with almost nothing to do I finally got my hands on Oreos it’s been like forever since I last had some(three months really but still) I finally got Oreos. That’s the highlight of my day.


I probably would if I could 


@high_priest mean I could share them but it’s not like my family could eat them and those who could don’t so I’m just eating them by myself.


Damn I want Oreos now


Quoted by high_priest
          You all need to take a break from Twitter, I don’t care how angry and upset you are you DO NOT start a senseless war, you DO NOT spread ANY hate, specifically senseless hate over easy dealt with issues. We are in the middle of a PANDEMIC, we are fighting for all BLACK LIVES, we are fighting to survive, we are fighting to AID AND HELP YEMEN (and if you do not know what’s happening in the world, let alone in Yemen, you DO NOT have ANY right to be spreading hate and endless useless tweets.)
          You angry, THEN EXPRESS IT LIKE A PROFESSIONAL IN AN EMAIL. DO NOT let me catch you acting like entitled teenager with nothing else to do but be mad periodt 
          Yes you can be upset, yes you can be angry, but if you don’t express those emotions properly you HINDER the idea of getting justice for what has been said. Have you learnt NOTHING from the way BLM protest have been going? Have you learnt NOTHING about the police force response?
          If you act on danger you are no better than the officers we are fighting to dismantle.
          You’re enraged? You’re upset? And you can’t express it professionally? Then you TAKE A BREAK and you CALM DOWN.
          DO NOT act like you’re entitled, do NOT act like you know everything, do NOT fight over some pathetic little band (yes I said it, as a comparison) when the WORLD NEEDS HELP.
          Your anger is better placed where it can HELP. 
          Do not let me catch you acting like a goddamn Twitter clown, because if I have to send in my account, my aesthetic only account, I will be fuming. 
          Cut it out. Be professional, and put your anger to a better use if you can’t be professional. 
          Once again all credits to @high_priest


If I wrote a story and this was the description 
          Would you be interested...?
          "Yeah Niall, 
          but what happens 
          When they find out
          I never really loved him
          What happens when
          They find out that 


@EJStar568 i loke how this is inverted pod what usually goes on and yeah I'd read it