Age: 15
Height: 5'2
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Writing
Sexuality: Gay AF
Relationship Status: Single
Warning: I only write Yaoi.

Hello, my Wonder Peeps!
Dorkpai, here!

I came to say this account is only for writing One-Shots, I honestly have no idea if I will do a Fanfiction or not, I probably won't.

My ships will consist of:
Afterdeath (Mainly)
Nightcross and a few others..

You'll just have to wait and see!

To be able to convey emotions that a reader wouldn't normally feel while reading a story is a job well done for a writer. I hope to be able to entertain you and make you emotional at times. Thank you for being amazing!
  • The Largest Trash-Bin
  • JoinedJune 14, 2017

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