
heyy! i hope you're having an amazing day! i was reading your book '10 Days' and was wondering if you'd be interested in re-writing this story with me. i noticed that English isn't your best subject, so it'd be nice if i could help with correcting those small errors and writing it again with credit towards you. your books are honestly outstanding, so a collaboration with another Stay like you would mean a lot! if you don't want to, i totally understand!


@skzzinaa Awww, thank you soo much for understanding  Hope u can find another author who would be willing to collaborate with you  I'll stay tuned  ~ Lots of Love from your fellow stay ❤️  


it's okay you don't have to apologise !! i understand the stress of exams too, so it's completely understandable. i'm so glad to hear that your day has been made better! hopefully in the future when we both have free time, we can look back on this and make a book together. have an amazing day, and again it's alright if you have to turn it down ! 


@skzzinaa Thank you soo much for considering taking time out of your day to do this ❤️. However, I'll have to turn you down on this one. I'm sorry, it's just that I'm quite busy with exams right around the corner and just life in general  Thank you for enjoying my book. This is actually the first time I've ever been complimented, and it's made my day 10 million times better. I'll never forget this as well as you. Thank you sooo much and I'm sorry again. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day  Lots of love from your fellow stay 


Hello, thank you for voting on my story, hope you somewhat enjoy it 


@FelixEdition Thank you very much :) I'll surely check them out.


@FelixEdition @FelixEdition I personally really liked red lycoris by takizawah and game boy by yongbox (18+ this once contains smut, so warning if you're not really into that stuff) I also liked a perfect life by fl02023 (self harm and its pretty dark, I like the way they write but even for me its difficult to read, because of the constant negative vibes.) 


@FelixEdition I'm so glad you enjoyed them so much as to read both of them, uuh probably sometime in the future I will, since Felix is my ult as for recommandations. I'll need a second to look through my list and tell you 