
Question have you seen Warhammer 40K because I just had a story idea you might like? it is a betrayed Jaune story. juane was betrayed by his family because of Nicholas and in prison jaune and one-five but he is the reincarnation of the emperor mankind and the primarchs and escapes with his sisters and one-five to create the Arcadian imperium


After I post a couple of Chapters I’m working on. I’m going to focus on Fall of Arcadia since it’s nearing its end. Three more Chapters and it’s done 


Is that including an epilogue sir?


Um I was wondering where one of your stories went maybe I missed a post about but it was about jaunt getting sent to I think either the rainbow six world or watch dogs world 


@kurumiisbestgirl99 I think he mentioned he lost motivation or had no idea where to go from where the chapter he left off on or maybe didn't have the time.


@kurumiisbestgirl99 to answer your question it was a rainbow six world into remnant but that was deleted a while back