
Just saw Robieart on tiktok and I'm absolutely obsessed with their work
          	You should check it out 110%


Finally posted the first of the Under Tales that's been in draft for awhile. I hadn't made the story cohesive in my head yet so it took a while, but it's out and I can get writing with a proper timeline in mind! So..enjoy! lol


@CouldYouJust ahh okay, I might try it. Because I get really bad writers block something.


@Inkyssann I often find it to be helpful


@CouldYouJust I don't even write a timeline :3 I just wing my story and it's done decent :3 should I write a timeline?


Alrighty, short post that I'll also be putting in the new chapter. I've been struggling for awhile with writing because until now the story has been in first person, as in from the perspective and mind of the person. This is cool, but is, to put it gently, mindnumbingly inefficient. I don't know why I chose to write it this way. I regret it immensely. So, new precedent. I'll try writing in 3rd person. If I feel like it's bad I'll rewrite anything written that way but I think it'll be much much better. Less clunky at least. I may try to mix the two, because I think there are certain moments, namely the more horror themed ones that benefit from the first person perspective but in general, I want to swap to 3rd person. If this reads as I'm frustrated it's because I am.


@CouldYouJust so here’s what was supposed to be said. This book is saved in the bottom of my  library, and I refuse to let it out. Autocorrect sucks, I’m turning it off.


@CouldYouJust autocorrect butchered my comment.


Hello, auther. I just wanted to say great Male reader x Chara story, also Chara fell in the underground in 201X, it's in the game. No BC, they didn't have shorts and sweaters at that time, I'll explained it details in that story's comment section on chapter 19. But overall, what an entertaining story.


@BlackFlashYuto Thank for clearing that up. Have a good day 


            Heya! So, this is an Au and as such I've changed alot of things to suit the story I want to tell. Alot of the later reveals, twists and overall plot hinges on ancient history and prehistory. The full timeline of this universe is very very different, though I never overtly said that, which i suppose I should have. Just keep in mind the *most* things that seem strange are likely intentional. Not to say I'm perfect obviously but in general they're supposed to be strange. Anyway, thank you for reading, and hope enjoy.


I KNOw I was just bragging about red eyes being number one in Chara and Frisk but now it's number one In UNDERTALE. A category with roughly over 60k stories. I will hold this W until the day I die.


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@CouldYouJust holy shit you're alive?


Peak deserves to be at the peak