
Whoohoo!!! Everyone, I got my Discord back!!! @NerdyBionicGeek. Hallelujah!!! Everything is fixed now!!! 9/12/24
          	If anyone approaches you saying your Discord is on a ban list due to suspicious activity, it’s a scam! Careful, y’all!


My Discord was hacked today by someone claiming to be tech support. Please let me know if you see any activity on it and let me know! Please and thank you!


@Beauty_queen2612 I did and got it back last night!!!!!! YAY!!!! Sorry to worry you!


@ColorfulWorldOfMine That’s terrible! Was worried why you haven't been active on Discord. Have you tried sending a ticket to Discord support?


@ColorfulWorldOfMine Hey, thats awful hun - hope please let me know if/ how I can help 


I’m starting to add another book for my main series Donovan Castle Chronicles! This one is the origins for a handful of main characters. Hope you love it! 


Ooh! Good luck with posting!


this message may be offensive
Hey babe! 
          Okay so before you sigh and roll your eyes thinking this a self promo, it ain’t. 
          I hope you are doing well! Lemme know too and if you wanna talk about sth. I am here. Anyways, I am sending this to all the lovely babes who follow me so its a general message to all the readers, writers or anyone reading this. 
          My wattpad is: @_Anwrites19_ 
          Backup wp: _Anreads19_
          Insta: _anwrites19_ 
          Okay so lemme make this quick cause no one got time these days. 
          You can self promote and chat on the book named as ‘Readers’. I love supporting my fellow writers, so if there’s something I can do lemme know (in for v4v, f4f, making you book covers and connecting you with good babes who are the best) 
          Also, if you are a reader, would love to know your insights on my book(s) too!! 
          Don’t spread hate and negativity cause we all got enough for that. My page is only for good babes who are good. But if there’s something bothering you, I am here. I don’t care about anything else, you can be fat ugly pretty dumb awkward short talk LITERALLY ANYTHING but if you are nice to me, I will be nice to you. 
          Check out my book for the upcoming unpublished books, maybe sth will hook you up. Got any scene or chap suggestions just drop them in babe!!! 
          Love you and cause I am a forgetful bitch and bother you again, don’t mind me!! 


Hi there, how are you?
          I am getting my books out there (eventually) and maybe need a little advice... Not sure if you can help espsially now that the DMs are gone


@Bunny1996x I have some of your books in my reading lists. Haven't read any yet


@colorworldofmine … If you have seen any of my content yet , I would say all of it tbh


@Bunny1996x What do you mean? Like genre? Character description? World building? Story telling? Chapter length?


Guess who!
          ₍₍ ◝( ゚∀ ゚ )◟ ⁾⁾


@ColorfulWorldOfMine and thanks for following me, too!


@ColorfulWorldOfMine no problem! I get that you might have been busy since you have a life outside discord and Wattpad. And yeah, that actually sounds like it would be a nice novel to read! :)