
If you have any ideas please let me know I have writers block and I can't think of anything else.  What o was thinking have chance cheat on her with tessa and them everyone starts to think you mad the martinez people look alike so they go get blood test and they are related and them Maya finds out she can speak Spanish and them they prank Jake by putting the Balls from the ball pits in his  tessla and  and die is hair green and put ice-hot in the lotion container and and put flour in his hairdryer and get Ericka in on it and say she moving out  and going to Logan's to live with him?  


@AleshaRippeto ok well imma go to bed and thank you for your support  cuz I didn't know if should continue this one I'm still desideing  if I should continue my other storie 5quad


@AleshaRippeto okay hope everything's going good for you I'll be waiting for the updates 


Ok ill add them later in the day cuz right now it's 1am where I live and I should be able to update soon it's just me and my mom habe been having trouble with my dad child support  so we have been dealing with that but we finally got that settled so I should be on track posting every Tuesday's and Fridays. 