
Hey guys. We just found out my mom has lung cancer. She's scheduled to have surgery on March 6th to remove the section of her lung that has the nodule in it. She's 79 so I'm worried. If anyone could pray for her or send her good vibes that the surgery will get it all, I'd appreciate it. 
          	I should have new content to post here next week, we've just been dealing with so much at home, it's not been a priority. My mom has been my priority. 
          	Thanks in advance.


@AprylBaker7  Sorry to hear about your mom. Mine was just diagnosed with cervical cancer that has spread so she starts chemo and radiation therapies at the end of the month. Praying your mom's surgery goes well and her recovery is smooth xo


@AprylBaker7  I will pray. Remember, God makes no mistakes.


Hey guys. We just found out my mom has lung cancer. She's scheduled to have surgery on March 6th to remove the section of her lung that has the nodule in it. She's 79 so I'm worried. If anyone could pray for her or send her good vibes that the surgery will get it all, I'd appreciate it. 
          I should have new content to post here next week, we've just been dealing with so much at home, it's not been a priority. My mom has been my priority. 
          Thanks in advance.


@AprylBaker7  Sorry to hear about your mom. Mine was just diagnosed with cervical cancer that has spread so she starts chemo and radiation therapies at the end of the month. Praying your mom's surgery goes well and her recovery is smooth xo


@AprylBaker7  I will pray. Remember, God makes no mistakes.


          I love your book Hutch and can’t wait to read more about the characters and how their story is gonna unfold. Could you please tell us when you’ll be updating Hutch? And how often you’ll posting the new chapters?.?


@jananii4 Hey honey. I have serious vision problems so I post as I am able to. I can go weeks without writing anything simply because I can't see to do it :) I wish I could give you an update on a posting schedule, but I can't unfortunately. I do try my best.


Just checking in. I've had some vision issues lately and I haven't been on the computer much, but I did want to come and wish you all a happy summer!
          I did a thing. I opened up a Patreon account where I'll be posting some Patreon exclusive books as I write them. I set up a nominal 1 tier membership that's not expensive. I hope you guys will support me over there!
          The first Patreon exclusive book will be The Hathaway Foundation!
          Here is the link:  https://patreon.com/AuthorAprylBaker
          I hope you're all doing well and get some sleep to those of you who's classes are starting back soon!
          Much love,
          ~Apryl Baker


@AprylBaker7 do you ever plan to publish these books publicly? or will they stay patreon exclusive?