
My lovely, I can't thank you enough for all of your votes on my stories it means so much 
          Really hope you have enjoyed them, in hoping to get some time soon that I can update them some more 
          Thank you, thank you, thank you :) 


@MrslisaL  You're welcome! Your stories deserve every vote, they are so amazing!
            I absolutely love everything you write! :)
            Take your time dear author! Your updates definitely are worth the wait! :)
            Keep going! :) xxx


Still reading I see my lovely 
          So pleased you like it :) xxx 


@MrslisaL  I'm already loving book two! Absolutely loved "sing for me". It was so beautiful,  full of love and drama! Loved how you portrayed the characters (gran is a legend!), how the story developed, the interactions and descriptions full of detail. (Sorry about any mistakes, I´m not a native English speaker). I'm really enjoying reading your work! You are amazing! :)


Bless you my lovely and I see you've gone on to book two 
            Really hope you enjoyed it all in the end, thank you for sticking with it xxxxx :) 


@MrslisaL  I'm loving it! It's so sweet, beautiful and intense! Amazing writing, love the descriptions in great detail, the love between Lisa and Ben, the drama and how you write about the's addictive and wonderful!
            You are a great writer! Keep going! :)


My lovely again I must thank you for all of your votes, I see you are now reading Sing For Me, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, this was my first book so is very much my baby :) xx 


Thank you for leaving a comment also lovely, glad my little story made you smile
            Continue to enjoy lovely xx 


@MrslisaL  Hello again! :) I'm absolutely loving "Sing For Me"! It's so sweet and heartwarming! It put a smile on my face! :)
            As I said before you write beautifully! keep up the good work and amazing storytelling dear author! :) xx


My lovely thank you so much for all the votes you gave Everyone needs a hand to hold, really hope you are enjoying it :) 


What a lovely lovely message to come home to this evening, So very pleased you like the story 
            And thank you for taking the time to read 
            Hope you enjoy the others bless you xxx :) 


@MrslisaL  Hello dear author! I started reading  "Everyone needs a hand to hold" last night and I couldn't stop! It's so addictive and beautifully written!
            Absolutely love the drama!
            I can't wait to start with your other stories :) 
            Keep going and thanks for sharing your work! 
            you are amazing!