
I'm happy to see you guys again!! I'm gonna rock this year with my writing. Also, I love you all. You're amazing. 


Hi I've just read Bastians song and what you have up of Savias heart, are you going to be continuing the series? I've found them to be a great read and refreshing stories compared to some of the cut and paste stories you read sometimes :) 
          Hope you're still writing!


@AliRicco still writing, just not posting. At some point, I got sidetracked and frustrated with myself and my writing. I'm glad you enjoyed what you read though! I am getting back to publishing on here soon, so I hope I'll have some new chapters for you guys before the end of the year. I'll also be posting my NaNo novel on here, so you will be able to tell I'm not dead (not that you need to read that, it will be a pile of trash as a first draft anyways).


Hello there i am an inspiring author to be and i would love to share to you my world by reading my books and poems. This specific book is called Her- it is about a normal teenage life living through her past and venturing to the present as she unlock the secrets of Xavier Dawn, the stranger that took her home from Carraga Cliff.  If you dont like my story you can check out my poetry :) insomniac poetry 



I thought by announcing my intentions online, I'd have more accountability for the writing. But I'm not seeing the progress I'd like to see, which is entirely on me. I am so sorry, but I think I'm going to have to bow out of NaNo this year and figure out what's going on with me before I write anything else. I hope you guys all have much more success on your path moving forward. Good luck and I'll see you soon!


Time to be honest! Obviously Savia's Heart is not going anywhere near as smoothly as I would like it to. Therefore, I am placing it on hiatus officially until the New Year. I'm very sorry for how long it is taking me to write, but I wont give you a substandard story. You guys deserve better than that.
          And, in a foolhardy attempt to write ANYTHING while I'm working on Savia, I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I'll be posting new chapters of that garbage first draft almost daily in November. Thanks for your support. ❤


Haha, I'm such a liar. But, to be fair, there was a birthday in there somewhere. I'm working on the next couple chapters of Savia (and some later ones, for some reason), and I should have them up before Monday!! WOO. SO EXCITED. <3


@ArchiSingh21 awww, thank you sweetie!! I hope you're doing well. I miss your comments and smiley faces!


@AnnaQuin07 belated happy birthday!
            Sorry, I forgot this year!
             I felt I was forgetting something important!


Apologies for the delay! I have been really struggling lately with writing. I hope that I'll be back to a more regular schedule by the end of July. On a related note, if anyone has any tips on how to be a better functioning adult, I am all ears. XD


Keeping your own place clean or in regards to not spending money that u don’t have . 


@AnnaQuin07 it's never too late. 
            I have a story that is on going for the last 5 years! If this is any consolation ;)
            If you get the tip on 'How to be a better functioning adult' please update for the rest of the world!