
So,I have started writing a new story,I published the first chapter today,it's called,Blue Eyed Beatut,if you could read it,and let me now what you think about,thank you.Happy New Year's.


Hey beautiful!!
          I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for adding my story to your reading list!! It means the absolute world to me, so thank you so much hun!! I hope you have/had a great day babe!! Purple you loads hun xoxo ❤️❤️ 


Thanks for adding my books "WITNESS PROTECTION" and "OPPUGNAUT" to your reading list!
          Be sure to check out my other (currently published) Taegguk books: DEAD EYES STILL GLIMMER, RAVENOUS (may be discontinued), and BITTERSWEET (may be discontinued).
          For future releases, check out the dates in my bio under the sub heading "drafts: coming soon!"
          Thanks for the support~❤✨