
!!!About the Boy with the seaweed brain!!!
          	Hey, so, while reading you may have noticed that all the parts are mixed up. I have no idea why they are ordered like that but I am trying my best to fix this issue.
          	Thank you for your patience 


dear future me, have you drank any water? have you eaten more than a slice of toast and dinner? Have you written today and have you gone out side?


@A_hopeless_writer same honestly i forget water then go “whats this feeling, its like hunger but ive just eaten”


:*semi vent*:
          Guys I randomly cry and usually disappointing people is usually the cause (the majority) and my mother has anger issues so here I am, sat in bed taking longer than 7 minutes to get ready when she barges in and starts shouting at me. So I, being me, start crying and everytime I cry in front of them they tell me I'm faking it/doing it for attention. It's too tiring to argue back much so I just kept telling her to get out of my room which never works so why do I try anymore. She's currently complaining about me to my dad downstairs.


Don't you love the fact you trust random people on the internet and your close friends with more things than you do with your parents?  Like my friends cold probably fill out a personality test for me and get it close to 100% but I highly doubt my parents would get over 70%


this message may be offensive
Don’t y’all just love when you’re in a dead silent class when your stomach makes a really loud noise and everyone just looks at you and then you have the giggles for the rest of class? Cause I sure as fuck don’t :,)