Sapphirewinglet Stories

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5 Stories

The Sapphire Winglet 》Wings of Fire Oc Stories ◇ by DaintyDino316
The Sapphire Winglet 》Wings of Dainty Dino
Just a bunch of stories not really in a particular order about a winglet I made off of the Wings of Fire book series. I'll give trigger warnings in the beginning of cha...
Wings of Fire - Sapphire winglet chats by SapphireWinglet
Wings of Fire - Sapphire winglet SapphireWinglet
What if the Sapphire winglet would get computers and internet? What if they find a internet page where they can chat?
Wings of Fire- If the sky turns red by SlothTheRainwing
Wings of Fire- If the sky turns redby Follow =Follow back
This is the backstory of Sloth. Sloth is anything than an normal Rainwing. Yes, she Looks normal but only if you see her first. She can't change her color. This why he...
Wings of Fire - True or Dare with the Sapphire winglet by SapphireWinglet
Wings of Fire - True or Dare SapphireWinglet
A normal true or dare with the Sapphire winglet and friends. You can request true or dares to. Have fun!