Subsequent to their journey through Kalos, another unexpected one begins. One that draws heartache from heartstrings themselves and passion from riots in veins. And new ambitions are formed, and new love is conjured, from all the unexpected people. A boy with hair stained in the ebony color of night and eyes burning molten bronze. His mind is poorly focused on everything that isn't love. "He is a shell of empty promises I keep trying to grasp" A girl with irises so blue, the entire ocean itself could have been congested into them. Her hair jagged and cut short, blonde like honey. She harbors love for someone who does not. "She took everyone under the blanket of her spell, seeping joy into all her victims" A new girl, who's not so steady on her feet and undoubtedly pessimistic in her head. Hair wild and gold, eyes piercing and sharp. She told the tales of love, despite her lack of knowing. "She had reached her hand into the burning cores of hell, taken the Devils horns and crowed herself with them." *. *. *. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. I only own my own characters and the plot.
53 parts