After successfully travelling home from the lake known as the Cauldron of Arianrhod and successfully breaking Morgana’s twisted control Guinevere with using the guise as the old woman known as ‘Dolma’, Merlin finds he is yet again faced with another problem…this time involving the King of Camelot. It seems as though whilst in the lake, Arthur succumbed to an enchantment which has resulted in him falling head over heels for Dolma! So how can Merlin possible restore the equilibrium back to Camelot when he has to hide the true identity of Dolma from Arthur, find a way to break the enchantment, keep no one from discovering the king’s not-so-secret crush? Disclaimer: I DO NOT own BBC Merlin or any of the characters in it (despite how hard I may say I do ; D). ALSO I do not own the image used for a cover for this story, I simply compiled it with these words. I DO own the plot of this one-shot which I have intended to write for the Crackfic Fanfiction Competion. Thank you for the time you took to read this.