In Selene City, where darkness lurks around every corner, 16-year-old Eve North is haunted by nightmares. A reckless dare prompts Eve and her friends to brave the treacherous Dark Woods and spend three days in an abandoned cabin. But when they stumble upon underground tunnels, a horde of ravenous monsters pursues them relentlessly, seeking their flesh and bones for food.
Trapped, the five friends must navigate seven tunnels to escape. As they flee, Eve's nightmares become reality. With each step, their desperation grows. Will they find freedom, or will Selene City's sinister forces condemn them to an endless struggle?
Note: This tale is a delightful mix of adventure, romance, fantasy, and mystery. Although there are some curse words sprinkled in different chapters, it is a story and a journey you wouldn't want to miss.
(A hint of Twilight, a shake of Narnia and a big splash of Labyrinth... do your homework if you don't get the references!)
A story of friendship, love and finding your place in the world that forces you to choose between good and evil. In life we often assume we're the good guys, but if it came to crunch time where would we actually stand?
Average girl Tamar Wakes is bored of her life but with a stroke of fate she takes you out of this world to make the discovery of the land called Radiance. Curiosity rages and love is found in the most unexpected of places, but how many people will get lost in her journey to find the answers?