A human soldier from a doomed futuristic civilization traverses through the fabrics of space and time to flee mankind's imminent extinction, only to stumble upon Zootopia - a diverse world unlike any other. Namely, an antiquated society filled with sentient animals living in peace and harmony. As their newest visitor struggles to adapt to an exotic world he doesn't belong in, only time will tell of what consequences may come to pass... Art and additional character credits to: Kmpona MikeJensen AaronJay Samandaira Pakrokok (The0) ThePhobophobia Birchly Relaxable Dayellowparrot ZNN.com Berserker88 DrummerMax64 Disney Mdw_jason Quirky middle child Mr-Punctual PointedFox Keeiran PanzerVor621 Talcatma TheNerdyKid2552 CourtneyPearson LynxWolf Ziegelzeig
44 parts