The land of Desponia...a planet that is is named after a goddess of mystery, and it's earned that name. Many temples have been on the planet since the first man has set foot on the planet. Even to this day, more and more temples are appearing like magic. These ancient temples are usually underground like dungeons, but unlike dungeons, these temples tell a story. This is the tale of an individual named (Y/N), their seven companions, and a dog named William, on their journey to uncover the mystery of the planet of Desponia. There will be many obstacles on their journey, and all they have to travel is a simple pick up truck and a trailer. (A/N: I don't own any of the images used, and I don't the OC's known as Reo, Kazuya, Aichi, Akechi, Kittly, Gormagia, or Demonoxin. They belong to some friends of mine. HOWEVER, I do own the overall story.
10 parts