(Like all my stories posted, anyone is free to use the basic idea at their leisure, all I ask for is credit for the idea.) When the Oxygen Destroyer hit Godzilla and Ghidorah, it did its job and killed Godzilla. Completely unchallenged, Ghidorah proceeded to exterminate almost all life on the planet and soon left for the vacuum of space. Millions of years later, Ghidorah swings back to Earth. Sensing that humans came back, Ghidorah flings a small chunk of himself down and flies off, intent on having the chunk learn something from the intelligent apes, where it merges with 5 year old Izuku Midoriya, twin brother of Izumi Midoriya, Ninth Inheriter for One for All, and one of the millions of women with Quirks. After sleeping for over 10 years, Izuku wakes up, just as USJ is being invaded above him. With the power of The Living Extinction Machine as his own, the choice of global extinction or global equality is Izuku Midoriya's AKA King Ghidorah.
6 parts