"The Watchers" are supernatural beings in human form, charged with protecting mankind from the armies of darkness. Unfortunately, some of these Watchers go bad. Deirdra Eden's The Watcher's Series is written in a traditional fairytale style with a young girl's discovery of incredible, but dangerous powers within herself, a cast of humorous side-kicks, a quest for greater self-discovery and purpose, and villains of epic proportions. Watch the amazing Knight of Light book trailer http://youtu.be/m-RxVN_FKL8 In England, 1270 A.D., Auriella flees her village after being accused of witchcraft and sentenced to death. Pursued by nightmarish creatures, she struggles to accept the truth about her humanity. Filled with fairies, dwarves, pixies, dragons, and epic villains, Knight of Light is an enthralling tale that will capture the imaginations of readers young and old.
8 parts