Vibrent कहानियाँ

टैग द्वारा परिष्कृत करें:

4 कहानियाँ

Missy_Castillo द्वारा Whispering Visions
Whispering VisionsMissy Castillo द्वारा
Koen had always been plagued by the same dream every night. He dreamt of a girl with no face, but her silhouette was so vivid in his mind that he could almost feel her p...
BookofFairies द्वारा The Scent of You
The Scent of YouKate Lyza Bagcat द्वारा
Vivoree and Brent Manalo delulu
FreedomEstrella द्वारा Love...Exists
Love...ExistsFreedom Estrella द्वारा
A believer and a hater. She believes that love really exists, while he hates that word since childhood. What will happen if these two became a couple? - Freedom Estrella...
granihvier द्वारा Last Love
Last Lovegranihvier द्वारा
What if you finally gave a chance on love and it ended up shattering you into pieces? 3 years ago when the girl he loved left him with no note, no explanation, no nothin...