Rucas Истории

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5 Историй

Амулет {LUCAYA} от JulyaYulia
Амулет {LUCAYA}от JulyaYulia
А что, если бы поездки в Техас никогда бы не было? Не было бы Гробовой Плиты и треугольника?... "-Я никогда не думала о том, что бы влюбиться или там завести парня...
Законченные истории
3:00 am // lucaya от brokenriarkle
3:00 am // lucayaот brokenriarkle
"3:00 am was our time."
soulmate от lileystown
soulmateот lileystown
One night, at a sleepover, maya hart tells riley matthews, her best friend, that her mom told her that when you turn sixteen, you get a book of every personality trait t...
ещё +10
damaged ~ rucas от ilyrucas
damaged ~ rucasот nia renee
riley matthews a girl from c a l i f o r n i a then she moved to n e w y o r k where a group of misfits await her they are all damaged especially the introverted cowboy...
Living With Trouble|| r.m. & l.f. от rileysfreak
Living With Trouble|| r.m. & l.f.от Lol idek
"I don't know why he's doing this" "I think I know why, remember when I said that I would wait for you?" "Yeah" "I should've never sai...
ещё +6