Historias de Roguequeen

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4 Historias

Rogue Queen ➵ de IceSky_
Rogue Queen ➵de Ice
❝Never mess with the Royals. You'll feel the flames of hell before you even get there.❞ Back then, I wasn't anyone special. I wasn't some hero who saved anyone. I though...
The rogue Queen de Pjmce1
The rogue Queende Pjmce1
"In this world you have to be strong, you must kill to survive. Be the predator, not the prey." I was born into a family of rogues. The most famous rogues of a...
Ruins of her Crown de MerryEvenstar
Ruins of her Crownde Merry Evenstar
She was a girl born of royalty who had nothing. A princess that wasn't worth much at all. Adelief Gadale was the only child of a wise and worthy king who ruled over the...
The Rogue Queen de larryshipper280000
The Rogue Queende Larrie shipped
The only Omega of the Crescent Moon pack. Been the pack's punching bag for ten years now. When her mate rejected her she decided to go rogue. She then went on and rescue...