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4 Истории

Angel in Jail  от janealfourie
Angel in Jail от janealfourie
Amy is 28 years old and is in prison for 10 years now ... She lost her memory at 22 in a fight and she cant even remember why she went to jail and why she needs to stay...
Random quotes от volleyforever
Random quotesот volleyforever
Hey this is just a book of random quotes. About: life,sports, and random topics
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The shy girl & The mystery boy от immakaylaa
The shy girl & The mystery boyот immakaylaa
There this girl that is so shy. Her mom gets worried about her mental health and decide to sign her up for A support group. For young teens called you talk we listen.
Turn of tides  от Diana4Dana
Turn of tides от Diana4Dana
This poem was written as a support for the #BraveTogether Maybelline Mental Health Awareness Month donation challenge. The initial requirement asked for a maximum of 500...
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