Connectedstories Истории

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9 Историй

OCs Backstories! от SprinklesTheVixen
OCs Backstories!от Sprinkles :3
Yay! Shall we begin? Just a little heads up these stories contain a lot of mental issues, maybe a bit of murder and definitely a lot of violence. ALSO these will probabl...
(CANCELLED) drown journal от OrangeOzarka
(CANCELLED) drown journalот orange
I have decided to cancel this in favor for something else I'm about to work on. But u can still read this If you want :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gurgles and voices. A collec...
Bloom от JayJoy3000
Bloomот Jay
Life is a series of interconnected stories, with each individual flower budding, blossoming and blooming into a beauty words cannot begin to describe. Beginning with a w...
Caution, dear reader от Justabunchofaus
Caution, dear readerот Justabunchofaus
Short/Origin stories of my own characters. Read at your own risk
Connected Stories от HGED1999
Connected Storiesот Aaron Berg
Quand nous lisons nos histoires préférées la chose à laquelle nous nous attendons est que celle-ci soit lié. Et pourtant celles qui vont suivre le sont. Alors à travers...
Of many worlds от PS_Bookworm
Of many worldsот PS_Bookworm
Ocassionally, I get some heavy inspiration for a story, and start writing it. So here are some oneshots that I may or may not come back to. Be sure to vote on your favor...
Once Upon A Time от stressedoutftme
Once Upon A Timeот stressedoutftme
Законченные истории
Seven Seeds are Sown от Wulf47
Seven Seeds are Sownот Wulf47
With Humanity on the brink of extinction, ten interstellar ships are built. Their mission is the continuation of the species on another world a thousand years away. Of t...