Cigarrette Истории

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5 Историй

Icarus от MadelineSane
Icarusот Mad
❝A boy and a girl, feathers and flames. A tragic love story, and a life that came to an end❞ ➳ The body dies but the soul survives; Punished by the gods, Icarus is curs...
Ahora, una lágrima от infinitosendero
Ahora, una lágrimaот Calíope
planear solo alarga el plan B
The Good, The Bad, & The Beautiful от danasprincess
The Good, The Bad, & The Beautifulот Jay
"Those things will kill you." I looked at Chase and rolled my eyes. "Here. Have one. Let's die together." Adena Craft. Professional rebel, guitarist...
Until The Smoke Clears от Noodlesnog82
Until The Smoke Clearsот Noodlesnog82
Libby Ashfire has never been the ordinary average girl. She never knew what it was like to live 'normally', and it's all due to her mum's addiction. Smoking. It's what c...
ещё +17
Cigarette от seasonsofsproll
Cigaretteот Seasons of Sproll
A short poem, best enjoyed with a cigarrette.