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  • Mind Shadows ©
    54.5K 168 1

    In a dark time, the eye begins to see, I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; I hear my echo in the echoing wood-- A lord of nature weeping to a tree, I live between the heron and the wren, Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den. From--"In a Dark Time" by Theodore Roethke

  • The Tree of Dreams
    137K 3K 44

    Random poetry and the occasional drabble or dribble of other short random thought from the depths my somewhat bemused brain, or possibly Brian if the schizophrenic misspelt pseudo entity that lives up there is up to his old tricks... poems from the Tardis like halls of my head. No genre is safe...

  • Inspired Poetry
    2K 103 9

    These are poems I wrote that were inspired by some of my favorite books and stories. I will not reveal the origin story for risk of spoilers, if you are curious about one please feel free to message me. I hope you enjoy, I will be posting new poems regularly.

  • Clockwork Lives
    308K 2.8K 10

    An anthology of love and lies; choice and change; fate and free will. Lives interlocking like clockwork and yet not at all like clockwork.
