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  • Genius ~ Sherlolly
    94.9K 2.7K 21

    It's lonely at 221B, Sherlock and John are growing more and more distant, Lestrade is always a busy and no good cases have come up for a long time. But then there is one case that tests Sherlocks heart instead of mind, a case involving a girl that Sherlock took for granted, a girl who Sherlock only thought of as a fri...

  • [1] Let Me Go ➝ The Maze Runner ✓ (WATTYS 2015 WINNER!)
    2.1M 69.1K 40

    Let Me Go ➝ The Maze Runner [1; Newt] ✓ 2014 Winner of the Wattys 2015 Hot Genre Award: The Fanfiction Feels! Also featured in the official Wattpad @Fanfic Maze Runner Fanfiction reading list. #470 in fanfiction - 03/10/15 Waking up in the Maze with no memory whatsoever, Rowan finally escapes the irrational creatures...
