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  • Don't Tell My Brother
    12.2M 478K 65

    Lucas Sawyer has gotten used to being forgotten. His twin brother Mark, captain and star quarterback, everyone's favorite, gets the spotlight. Lucas doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't go to parties. His life is safe and logical, and that's exactly how he likes it. But when his brother's football rival and wor...

    Completed   Mature
  • Forward (BoyxBoy)
    596K 30.8K 32

    The Anders' family moves from Florida to Illinois after a series of distressing events that lead to the family's financial stress. In Illinois, James Anders is reunited with his long time best friend, attends a school at which he needs to hide who he truly is, and encounters the Bradford family- a family of seven attr...

    Completed   Mature
  • To Be Alone With You
    233K 16.3K 37

    Kaspian Velasquez has lived his entire life keeping secrets. Family was never a topic of conversation, and if ever brought up, Kaspian was always as vague as he could be, his only source of unadulterated solace being the library. But when Kaspian runs into Rowan Aldrich - an enigmatic classmate studying in the same hi...

  • Two Birds, One Stone
    848K 49K 34

    It's hard to believe that a boy who didn't believe in love and a boy who didn't believe he could love himself would have much to learn from each other. But it would turn out that way, of course; with everything to gain and even more to lose. As it turned out, both Liam and Jamie needed to learn not to trust the dim...

  • On My Way to You
    2M 83.4K 55

    Warning: RWB spoilers ahead. Some say the best love stories often take time. Emery Chernychevsky has had a crush on Cameron Brooks since he can remember. Watching him date different girls all throughout high school was nothing if not pure torture, especially when he knew he didn't stand a chance against any of them...

  • The Suburbs
    262K 17.7K 24

    Kody leaves behind the bright lights of the city and moves to a small town in the suburbs, where his only choice is to adapt to the rainbows of monochrome and repetition. There, he meets Arlo Middleton, a boy fresh out of hospital. [Posted: May 2020]

  • The Treehouse [BxB]
    592K 32.9K 35

    Mickey was a skater. River was too smart for his own good. But being polar opposites didn't stop them from being best friends. Ever since they were little, they would sit in the treehouse in Mickey's garden, and feel like they were on top of the whole world. But as they got older, they realised that the world was muc...

  • Heart and Soul [bxb]
    2.5M 100K 66

    Carter Parrish lived a happy, simple life with his mom, and knowing she had found her way back to love was the best news he could have ever received. But love leads to marriage, and marriage brought him a new stepfather, a new house, six new stepbrothers and one especially obnoxious stepsister. When the place he is me...

  • Romeo and Romeo
    1.3M 69.5K 25

    Levi wasn't the kind of guy to go around kissing strangers, least of all the insufferable princes these events tended to attract. But something about Prince Charles made him feel a little stupid -- almost stupid enough to believe in love at first sight. ~~~ When Levi, the youngest prince of Arthur Island, is forced by...

  • Y.O.L.O (Boyxboy)✔
    9.9M 387K 38

    *COMPLETED* (Y.O.L.O stands for: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE) *** Carter Jones, the school nerd, and Killian Henderson, the reputated troublemaker, somehow end up getting detention together. "How about we make a bet?" Offered Killian, his pistachio-green eyes drilling into mine as a playful smile lingered on his lips. "A bet...

  • BLUE [BXB]
    1.1M 52.4K 33

    High school heart-throb Ethan Gray is forced to falsely come out as gay to all his peers. Soon enough, he finds himself getting a bit too friendly with art nerd Vincent Samuel, but Ethan swears he isn't really gay. Or is he? Troubled with a lot more than what meets the eye, the two boys fight against all odds to make...

  • Friends First, Lovers Always | ✔
    18.1K 935 6

    Levi and Gideon were best bros by day, lovers by night. It was all of the closeness and none of the hurt, until one night when Levi slips up, says too much and calls it quits. But Gideon isn't giving him up that easily.

    Completed   Mature
  • Found (BxB)
    1.5M 61.7K 63

    Ethan Hales always knew that he liked boys, but he soon discovered that he couldn't do anything about it. So he accepted that his life was destined to be lonely and miserable. He pushed himself deeper and deeper into himself, until he couldn't find any more joy within him. He never imagined that someone could change h...

    Completed   Mature
  • Nathaniel Jean's Senior Year
    2.8M 140K 26

    At first glance, nobody would be able to tell that Nathaniel Jean had a problem. Or second glance, or third, or fourth. After all, he had everything. He was a captain of his school's soccer team and one of the top players in the state. He had a big house and money to spend. He had family, he had friends, he had...

  • Kaleidoscopic
    512K 26.9K 64

    In the middle of Des Plaines Illinois three boys find themselves in a tangled knot of angsty lust and amateur love. Evan Webster has an average American life. When he isn't at swim practice or the movie theater, he's trying to make time to study biology. He likes Spiderman comics, chocolate chip cookies, and kissing...

    Completed   Mature
  • Super Rich Kids (BoyxBoy)
    516K 24K 33

    From an outside perspective nineteen year old Alexander Richmond is seemingly living the good life. His family is a symbol of endless money and glorious wealth, but that is only the exterior. Beyond that, and behind closed doors Alexander is bored, so he handles his boredom like any other super rich kid would. +++...

    Completed   Mature
  • Mä en tahdo unohtaa sun hymyä
    14.9K 861 5

    Alma haluaa uskoa, ettei hän ole paha ihminen, mutta menneisyyden koulukiusaajatausta ei jätä häntä rauhaan. Vanhat kuviot ovat kuitenkin takanapäin ja uusi kaupunki sekä uusi ympäristö antavat mahdollisuuden tuntea itsensä hyväksi. Kunnes tuttu tyttö yläkouluajoilta ilmestyy varoittamatta kuvioihin. Se tyttö, jonka...

  • Me ei olla kai koskaan ehjiä
    31.8K 1.7K 11

    Se syksy oli kolea ja pimeä, se maistui raudalta ja suolavedeltä, tuntui kipeältä ja raskaalta, vihlovalta painolta rinnan alla. Se syksy oli kuin vihainen ja halveksiva solvaus, tai jäinen sade kyynelten polttamia poskia vasten. Se syksy söi meitä sisältä, hitaasti kuihdutti ilonpilkahdukset suupielistä. Ja se syksy...

  • Korkeella kahestaan
    14.6K 1K 11

    Juulista tuntuu, ettei hän kuulu mihinkään, niin kuin hän leijailisi irrallisena kaiken keskellä kykenemättä ottamaan kiinni mistään. Halu olla onnellinen on vahva, mutta menneisyyden kipupisteet ja kuviossa mukana oleva ex-poikaystävä meinaavat suistaa kaiken raiteiltaan. Aatu ei kestä olla yksin, vaan tarvitsee tau...

  • Valvo mun kanssa aamuun
    75.2K 4.2K 17

    Siitä tytöstä tuntui usein, ettei sillä ollut mitään ja silti kaikki oli sille liikaa. Sillä pojalla oli kaikkea ja silti siitä usein tuntui, niin kuin jotain puuttuisi. . . . Varoitukset: päihteet, väkivalta, mielenterveysongelmat Teksti, juoni ja hahmot on minun omasta päästä, ethän kopioi!

  • Ole hiljaa ja pidä mua kädestä
    495K 19.1K 31

    Muuttaminen uudelle paikkakunnalle heti abivuoden alkajaisiksi ei varsinaisesti kuulunut Iivon to do -listalle, ei varsinkaan, kun uusi paikkakunta oli pieni ja tylsännäköinen, hiljainen tuppukylä keskellä Keski-Suomea. Kun on kahdeksantoista ja tulevaisuus auki, kasa kavereita ympärillä ja kirjoitukset aiheuttamassa...

    Completed   Mature
  • flower crowns // l.s.
    2.1M 90.1K 66

    harry likes pretty pink flowers and louis enjoys ink and piercings. **This story contains possible triggers. Read at your own risk.** started in 2015, finished in 2017. slowly editing.

  • Hidden Play: The Return 《COMPLETE》
    792K 42.6K 38

    With the return of the complete cast from the first installment, Hidden Play: The Return, continues to follow the lives of Aiden Broncs and his fellow basketball team as they navigate through the triumphs and turmoil of high school. Now that Aiden finally has Zion within his grasp, will his devotion be enough to keep...

  • Hidden Play (MalexMale) 《COMPLETE》
    1.9M 94.5K 31

    I'm just an average guy. Really, I am. I'm dealing with my first (bad) breakup, while simultaneously leaving behind the only home I've ever known. It sucks, but it could be worse. And by worse? I mean falling for the school's biggest badass, who also happens to be the captain of my basketball team. Spoiler alert: I d...

    Completed   Mature
  • Paula
    61.6K 4.5K 36

    "Muista se kultanen sääntö: ei ketään kenen sukunimi alkaa hoolla. Ei ainakaan Mäntylaaksossa." Tuusula oli tuonut mulle vaan ja ainoastaan hirveen hankalia ihmissuhteita, ahdistusta ja rikkinäisen sydämen. Mikäli Mäntylaakso onnistuis tarjoamaan jotain parempaa, olisin voittanut. ///HUOM/// Sisältää juonipaljastuksia...

  • Jami
    115K 6.8K 36

    "Mä kaipasin haleja, helliä ja pitkittyneitä suudelmia, sylikkäin makoilua, vierekkäin nukkumista ja ihan vain sitä että toinen oli lähellä. Mä halusin mun elämään ihmisen, jonka mä voisin tuoda kotiin häpeilemättä ja jonka kanssa mä voisin vaan makoilla mun sängyllä ja puhua. Puhua kaikesta maan ja taivaan välilä. Ja...

  • Boy Next Door ✔
    6.7M 311K 47

    ❝can you stop blasting chase atlantic so damn loudly at 3am?❞ ❝depends, can you stop crying so damn loudly at 3am?❞ 〤 caleb just made the decision to get his own apartment so he could get some time away from his family and live closer to his university as well. however, there seems to be just one problem. every mornin...

  • Teach Me Something New (Boyxboy)
    555K 25.9K 29

    Lawson is bad at calculus. Sean, a mathematics education major, is more than willing to help.

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  • Matias
    33.8K 2.4K 15

    ///Jatko-osa Jamille sekä Paulalle!/// Ja vaikka mä olin ollu humalassa, muistin miltä oli tuntunut kun se oli painanut kasvonsa hetkeksi vasten mun selkää. Se oli johtunut väsymyksestä, mutta mikä se kuuma kourasu mun vatsanpohjassa sitten oli? Ja miksei se nojautunut heti kauemmas? Miksi musta tuntu ettei me koskaa...

  • Things I Hate About Adrian Vang (BoyxBoy)
    1.3M 53.7K 28

    Ezra Drake hated Adrian Vang with a burning passion for reasons the even he himself could not explain. That's why he was so surprised when their first study session included him fucking the smaller boy into his couch.

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