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  • Writing tips
    292K 3K 108

    This book contains -Words to use instead of said, says, went, etc -Personalities -Characteristics - words to describe movement, looks, body language and more. and a whole lot of other things.

  • News & Updates
    54.4M 387K 69

    Stay connected to all things Wattpad by adding this story to your library. We will be posting announcements, updates, and much more!

  • Aftersoul
    430 27 22

    I'd be super happy is someone actually drew some artwork based on this one day! I'd absolutely give a shoutout, but, uh, that probably won't do much

  • Supernatural origins one shots?
    5.9K 244 8

    This is a series of oneshots that I will hopefully write. The series in doing for this is called supernatural origins. It's by many different YouTubers. I love the series and now I'm writing about it