We Had A Bulletproof Love

By UhAshLee

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*JUST PRETEND THE PTV GUYS ARE 21 OR 22 PLEASE* -I wrote this when I was 12 okay- Scar... More

Let The Sky Fall
Pick Up The Phone
Broken Hearts And Busses
Kiss The Pain Away
Movie Night
Uh, what?
Old Friends or New Foes?
♡ The Parade Of The Defects♡
I'm A Young Lover's Rage
I'll Steal You Flowers From The Cemetery
All Is Good If We Close Our Eyes
I Said I'll Check In Tomorrow, If I Don't Wake Up Dead.
How Am I Supposed To Be Everything They Expect Me To Be?
Remember I Am Human, And I'm Bound To Sing This Song
Ever Since This Began...
Please Stay, Forever With Me
As Times Like This Run Up My Wrist
I'm At The Edge Of The World
I Only Have Myself To Blame
The Devil In The Mirror
But You'll Never Have My Heart
It's A Vicious Little World
I Put Your Body to the Test
Your Secrets Keep You Safe
Give Up The Fight

You've Made A Mess Of Everything

93 3 2
By UhAshLee

× Tony's POV ×

Everything is going so perfect. So absolutely perfect. Scarlett and I are finally together. We were going to Dallas, where we would drop off Fer with her cousins. I didn't think it was such a great idea, but she'd insisted. Right now, Scarlett was asleep in my arms, and I was watching  Star Wars for the millionth time. How could life get any better?

"TONY TONY TONY WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY ASS GET OFF ME AAAHHH" Scarlett screamed in my ear. "What? Oh sorry." I'd fallen asleep, my chin boring a hole on Scarlett's shoulder. "You will be the death of me, Perry." She hissed in my ear, sending shivers down my spine how close her face was to mine. She seemed to notice too, because she leaned in, planting a sweet kiss onto my lips. It was soft, short and passionate, but I longed for more. Yet, I knew we'd only started going out a few days ago.

She pulled away first, "I love you. Even if you did almost kill my shoulder." I had to laugh at that. "AAWW," Mike seemed to melt in the doorway. Shaking my head, I lightly pushed Scarlett off my lap as she flipped Mike off and he went away snickering.

☆ Scarlett's POV ☆

My shoulder hurt like a bitch, I think he dislocated something on it. Damn his jaw line. "You two are just like so cute." Jaime said behind me. "Right? Anyways, when are we getting to Dallas? Better be sometime soon; I'm getting restless with all this moving around," I protested.

"Should be around today or tomorrow. Tour is over soon, around three more weeks left, ya' know." He pouted. "You're kidding? That sucks. Anyways, where are Fer and Vic? I haven't seen them much since yesterday." Raising an eyebrow full of suspicion, Jaime stood up from the couch, waved his hand for me to follow, and we were off in a scavenger hunt.

"Feer? Here Fer. Come here." I said in a voice one might use when looking for a lost kitty. Jaime opened a bunk curtain, revealing a napping Mike.

"Watch this." Jaime whispered, grabbing a single lock of my own black hair in his fingers. I gave him my signature "WTF are you doing" look, he simply smirked devilishly. Pushing the ends of my hair to Mike's cheek, Mike started to shuffle and giggle softly, I'm guessing it tickled him. He lifted a hand, then slapped himself in his sleep.

So this is what Jaime wanted to show me? Gosh that boy is weird. I closed the curtain to Mike's bunk again, leaving him murmuring something about "Those darn seagulls that always tickle me," which creeped me out a bit. "Uh Fer and Vic? Ring a bell somewhere?" I asked impatiently. "Oh yeah. Forth." He signaled with a hand, very much like a ninja.

We crossed a second bunk, which I recognized as Vic's. This time, it was I who opened the curtain, anxious to find my friend. But, holy shit I really didn't expect to see what I saw.

Fer and Vic were kissing. In his bunk. Kissing.

"For fuck's sake Jennifer!" I screamed at the sight. I just couldn't believe it. Vic got out of the bunk, since he'd been closer to the curtain. "Listen Scar it's not what it-" Vic started, but I wasn't having that shit. I was waaay too pissed for it. "Shut it Fuentes. Let Fer here explain it." I turned to a red and guilty looking Fer. "I..I..I don't know what happened. It just..I don't know."

Okay now this really snapped me. "You don't know? Your fiancé just fucking died a few days ago and now you're making out with Vic.!? How can you just...." I trailed off. I shouldn't care; it's her life. My brother's memory, now forgotten by his loved. "Just damnit Jennifer! He was my brother! Your boyfriend! How can you just forget him like that! You meant the whole damn world to him, and now that he's gone, you go off and make out with some guy you just personally met? Fuck this shit Fer." I turned to leave, but a dianity hand gripped my right shoulder weakly, stopping me. "Scarlett, please just.." Fer started. "Fuck off Fer. Just don't. Not now." I hissed. How could she? Evan was my brother goddammit.

She let go of my still aching shoulder, while I tried my best to not break down in tears of the situation. Tony. That's what I needed. "Tone? Tony where are you?" I slid down the bus wall, near the bunk that Tony and I shared. I felt too downright ill to go looking for him. Sick to my bones.

"Scarlett? Hey baby what happened?" Tony's voice came from the kitchen part of the bus, he was holding a plate full of lettuce, damn his vegeterianness. "It's - it's Fer. Jaime and I went looking for them, and when we got to Vic's bunk. I - I caught them kissing. Evan just died Tony. I can't believe she would just.." I trailed off, putting my index finger below my nose, on my upper lip. Tony sat across from me, cross legged, listening.

"He was my brother. My brother Tony. I mean, she must be on drugs or something, she couldn't have just got over him that quickly. I just..whatever. It's her life, it's Vic's life, I have no say in that." I threw my hands up dramatically, signaling defeat and surrender. As soon as the gesture was done, Tony was pulling me to his chest, rubbing circles to my back and kissing my hair, comforting me. I cried on his chest, mascara and eye liner probably ruining his shirt.

"Tone? I don't feel too good." I whimpered once I could speak again. He frowned, put the back of his hand on my forehead, and I watched as his eyes grew wide. "Scarlett you're burning up. Jaime! Come here right now." He yelled, which made my head pound even more. "Yeah? Oh god. She's drenched in sweat what happened?" Jaime asked, concern stitched to his features. "She's got a fever. Bad. Go get me some medicine or some shit. Hurry up." He rushed Jaime, who was standing frantically at the door that divided the bunk area from the kitchen. Soon, he dissappeared to God knows where to look for some medicine.

I felt myself being lifted, and gently laid into cold water. "That's cold as fuck man, you sure that's gonna' even work?" I heard the worry in Tony's voice. My eyes had been closed, pain hijacking my own body. Opening my eyes to slits, I looked down at my legs, to see I was still wearing what I'd fallen asleep in; tiger print tights that reached my ankles, and a Foo Fighters tank top. "Aaarrrggghh," I murmured through my pain, "Tony help me get my shirt off, I have something underneath." Was my request. The cold liquid seemed to dull my pain, and there was no way I was ruining my signed tank top. Besides, I always wore a sports bra, not like I'd be completely naked once my shirt was off.

"Okay, lift your arms up." Tony said uneasily, but coped anyways. "Jaime, come get her shirt." He called for his friend. I trusted Jaime, he wasn't a pervert, and it's not like he'd look at me like that anyway. "You better not hurt my shirt or else you're dead, Preciado." I warned Jaime with a weak smile, my eyes once again closing as my body went numb.

"I'm going to wash your hair okay? Just try to relax, Mike is trying to look for some pills. Gosh Scarlett you're still burning up. 102." What? When the fuck was there ever a thermometer on my body? Oh well. Tony started to drag his fingers through my own long hair, and I lost track of time. I felt like throwing up and crying and screaming and punching someone all at the same time. "104 holy shit JaIME TELL THE DRIVER TO PULL UP AT A HOSPITAL! SCARLETT IS BURNING UP." His panicked voice rang through the bus. "Tony? I love you so much," I meant for it to sound calm, but my own voice was panicked, worried for my own health. "I love you too Scarlett. Come on, you're going to a hospital."

Yay, hospitals. The land full of unicorns and rainbows that aren't needles full with medicine. Leprechauns that don't poke your skin with sharp stuff. "Lucky me," I thought out loud. I felt as Tony lifted me off the tub, sitting me on the toilet, then wrapped a towel around my shoulders, covering me above my shoulders, since I was still wearing my tights. The world blurred around me, fading into gray and black patches. The next memories I only remember in flashes, hospital beds, hospital lights, weird hospital stuff, and then a worried Tony holding my hand. The word "comatose" from an unknown voice rang through my ears.

Then everything went black.

My last tought before fading off into the darkness were the ironical lyrics from All Time Low's 'Heroes'

Not gonna' miss you when you're dead and gone...

Hai people. Anyway, my phone was taken up, sorry I didn't update. Heroes actually started playing, and I got inspiration.

Well, what the fuck happened with Fer and Vic? Why is Scarlett in a comatose? What's gonna' happen to the rest of the tour? What is poor Tony going to do?

There's a little peak of Ashley's back tattoo's at the side. I love you all!

Listening to- The Mighty Fall~Fall Out Boy ft. Big Sean.

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