Changed {Martin Garrix Fanfic...

By LindzK12

296K 7.8K 2.2K

When someone slowly starts to change you, is it for your own good or for their own pleasure? When you take a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Final Author's Note

Chapter 19

5.3K 121 43
By LindzK12

Chapter Nineteen - Cockiness 

- Madeline's POV - 

"You alright?" I looked up from the balloon I was tying to see Matthew staring down at me concerning. Ever since the call with my father, I have been pretty quiet and to myself. I nodded lazily at him in response. 

"Yeah, just... tired," I sighed, glancing to my right finding Martin in the corner fiddling with what seemed to  be his DJ equipment. I still cannot believe he actually agreed to come 'help' us with this dance. A part of me felt like he did it to be with me but another part thought that he was just wanting to keep an eye on me. 

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" his tall stature was massive compared to Martin's. Just as he said this, I felt Martin's eyes now on us, or should I say me. 

"Get back to work," I laughed, punching his shoulder playfully. I did not feel like answering questions at the moment, especially with the devil staring at me. 

"What's he doing?" Matthew asked in a whisper, tying off another balloon. 

"I have no idea," I had to hide my laugh. I never knew that djing was that complicated. I always thought they just pressed a button and play music, but I guess that is not the case after all. 

"I'm done with this shit," he groaned, letting an untied balloon fly out of his hands. I laughed again at him then I gave him a glare. "Why the hell did we sign up to do this?" there was an amusement in his blue eyes. 

"Hey, this wasn't my idea!" I shot back, my mouth gaping open slightly. I noticed Martin's glances were becoming more frequent. Inside I felt bad because I was not able to talk to him. Trust me, if Matthew was not in here, I would be over with Martin the whole time. 

"This whole dance idea is dumb as hell anyways," he rolled his eyes. "They're just doing this to keep people out of trouble," he muttered, adding spitefully. 

"Or," I looked up at him again. "They just want us teenagers to have fun," I suggested the more logical answer. But who am I kidding, there is no way that this thing is going to be fun.

"I can smell the delusion coming from you," he said with a sarcastic tone. 

"Ha ha, very funny," I looked away at him and around us. I had no air left in my lungs after all of the balloons we had blown up. Also, to add to that, we were still not done. Kill me now. 

"I feel like I'm at in eight year old's birthday party," he said looking around as well. "Aye, Martin," I furrowed my eyebrows at Matthew. What was he doing? 

"Hm," Martin mumbled, not looking up from his 'toy'. 

"What do you think about this? Does it look alright?" Matthew asked. I could not tell if he was being legitimately nice or not. I'm going to go with no on that one. Martin glanced up, looking around quickly. 

"Looks like shit," he said simply before looking back down. I laughed louder than I expected to. I covered my mouth in embarrassment. 

"Figures," Matthew shrugged his shoulders. "I'm going to go get some food, wanna come?" he asked me,  wiggling his eyebrows at me. I smiled slightly, shaking my head. 

"No, I'm good," I said reciting on how much pizza I had eaten at dinner. "Go ahead, I'll finish up," I waved my hands around aimlessly. He nodded twice before walking past me, stopping at my shoulder. 

"Make sure he behaves," he whispered into my ear. I laughed trying to make it seem to Martin that we were talking about something else. 

"Gotcha," I patted his shoulder a few times before he left the room. The room was silent for a few moments before I heard Martin swear to himself. Forgetting about the balloons, I walked over to him and his stuff. 

"I was thinking you had forgotten about me," he said sarcastically appalled. I rolled my eyes, smiling to him. 

"How could I forget that face?" I said in a disgusting tone. Obviously I was joking, but he glared at me with his jaw clenched. 

"Cut the shit, I'm ten times more attractive than that fucker," he said more cockily than his usual confidence. 

"I don't like cocky people, Martin," I said truthfully. To be completely honest, Martin was probably one of the most attractive people I have set my eyes on.

"How is it cocky when you know it's true?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at me. My mouth shot open and it took all of my might not reach over and slap him. 

"Pervert," I muttered. He smiled a bit, running a hand through his hair. Damn, Dutch parents must be doing something right... I thought and I could not help but smile to myself. 

"What are you smiling for? It's creepy," his eyes left me and back to his equipment. I could know see that there were so many buttons and things that spin. I chose to ignore his question and ask about this thing. 

"What is this thing and what are you doing?" I asked quite fascinated with the contraption. He plugged a couple cords in along with what seemed to be a USB cable. 

"It's a DJ controller," he said simply as if I was going to understand. I kind of did, yet, I was still confused. "You use all these knobs and things to play and mix tracks in a set," he explained more thoroughly. This time, I nodded catching onto more what he was saying. 

"Are you djing the whole time?" I asked, referring to the dance. The only thing I am looking forward to is seeing what he does. He is honestly the only remotely interesting person here. 

"Fuck no," he laughed, stepping away from the controller. "Or at least, I hope they don't think I am," he added, smirking at me. 

"Why?" I crossed my arms over my chest. I could not help but stare at his seemingly flawless face. And the birth mark just above his lip made him even more cute, if that was possible. 

"Because I have plans," he shrugged his shoulders, his green eyes meeting mine quickly. I slumped my body in confusion. Wonder what he is up to then? Shut up Mads, you sound like a clingy girlfriend, I glared at my bitch subconscious. 

"Oh," I looked away from him as I began to feel uncomfortable from his stare. I suddenly heard loud footsteps coming from the entrance of the building. I thought it was Matthew at first until it opened its mouth... or should I say her big ass mouth. 

"Excuse me! Somebody?!" I rolled my eyes. Brianna. I just remembered I had never told Martin about our 'run in'. She appeared at the door, looking around stopping when she saw me. Or maybe she was looking at Martin, I could not really tell. 

"Oh, hi Madeline," she said awkwardly as he eyes switched from the two of us. She looked genuinely petrified. "Um, have you seen, uh, Maria by chance?" she stuttered nervously. Did I scare her that much? Jeez.. 

"No, check the offices," I had not even realized how hateful I sounded until it all came out. She nodded quickly before turning around and running out faster than a cheetah. 

"What the fuck was that about?" Martin spoke in a humorous tone. I shook my head, brushing it off. 

"I tell you later," I gave him one last look before I walked back over to the bag of balloons. I took one and began to blow it up, even though I still practically had no air in me. 

"I think you'll be telling me a lot later," he said licking his lips before looking back down at his DJ device. With the balloon still in my mouth, I gave him a confused look. He started to giggle to himself and then quickly, he sent me a suspicious smirk. Boys. 


"Haley, I look like a slut," I said as I pouted to myself in the mirror. She had given me a white lace tank top, not mention that it was also what she called 'cropped'. On the other hand, she let me borrow a pair of high-wasted shorts that looked she had taken them from a nineties closet and cut them off. 

"Oh my God Mads, you look hot," she glared at me from the side as she fixed her short hair. It had noticeably gotten longer since the first day I saw her. 

"I just feel, cold and naked," I shrugged my shoulders, turning to look around my shoulders. Great. My somewhat ass was hanging out the back of them. I pulled them down quickly before looking at Haley with puppy dog eyes. 

"Here, put this on then," she handed me a light purple cardigan hanging from our 'closet' door. I put it on, feeling a lot more comfortable with myself now. I do not see how half of these girls here dress like they do and be okay with it. I guess it could be part of my mindset of how I think... Or maybe I'm just crazy. 

"Thanks," I smiled to her. She shook her head and waved her hands around dramatically before digging in her makeup again. 

"No problem," she glossed her lips, offering some to me. I shook it off, hating that stuff. I would prefer chap stick than that any day. "Hey, when's you're birthday?" she asked out of nowhere. 

"October, why?" I ran my fingers through my long hair trying to untangle it as best as I can. 

"Just wondering," she shrugged. It was hard to think that I was going to turn eighteen in a matter of months. It just feels like yesterday that I was ten years old not having a care in the world. It was also weird because half of the time, I felt like a baby in every situation involving teenagers my age. 

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you this," she piped up, throwing the tube down. She turned around on her feet, looking around for something. 

"What?" I sat down on the edge of my bed, waiting patiently for her to hurry up. 

"What do you think about Matthew?" She asked then making a squealing type noise as she found what I guess she was looking for. Of course, her earrings. She always has almost a different pair in everyday. 

"Um, he's nice," I answered, keeping it as simple as possible. A part of me was curious at her motives asking me this. 

"He likes you, just a heads up," she said, fumbling with her ears. My stomach suddenly flipped. Is she being serious? There had always been a thought in the back of my mind that he was interested in me, but I have always pushed it away. 

"How do you know?" I laughed awkwardly. 

"Honey, that shit is so obvious," she laughed in return, smiling to herself as she succeeded with her earrings. "You'll thank me later," she winked before slipping on her shoes. I guess that was signal we were finally leaving. 

I laughed again, nervously. "Yeah, thanks," I think, I added in my head. I do not like him that way? Do I? I suddenly found a pair of green eyes staring back at me in my head. I pushed my thoughts aside as I slipped on a pair of sandals. 

"You to ready to party summer camp style?" she said highly sarcastic, bringing a smile to my face. 

"Let's go," I said, no excitement to my voice at all. We walked out of our dorm, making sure to lock it. As we walked down the hallways, there were only a few girls left scrambling to get ready. It feels as if some of them are acting it is prom. 

We decided on taking the stairs as a much quicker option. We made it outside into the dimming sunlight, the cool summer air feeling good on the skin. The walk to the music hall was short and I cringed at the banner hanging outside. Camp Dance, how creative. 

"I don't like this," I had to hold in my laughter as a lot of people were entering the building quickly. I could practically see the glass windows about to break from the loud music emitting inside. 

"Who knows, it may actually turn out good?" She suggested positively. I glared at her and got a loud laugh from her. 

"It better be from all of those damn balloons I blew up," I muttered more to myself but Haley had still heard, so she continued on laughing. We finally on decided to walk in and unexpectedly, almost everyone had decided to come. I had also taken notice of the unfamiliar music blasting in my eardrums. 

"Have you ever been to a dance before?" Haley said as loud as she could over the music. I shook my head, feeling so awkward and misplaced in this situation. 

"Aye! Hales, Mads, how are you two lovelies doing?" Our eyes snapped up to Cade. He was smiling down at us, but there was something suspicious about his tone. "Can I offer to get you a drink? Some Sprite? Water?" he said jokingly, putting an arm around Haley's shoulders. 

"Fuck off man," she laughed, shrugging his arm off of her. I was still mentally deciding if he was gay or not. 

"Are there counselors here?" I asked him, not being able to see anything from all of the bodies. For as much people as there was here, no one was really doing anything. 

"Oh yeah," he nodded, rolling his eyes slightly, but then, a smirk spread along his face. "Not for long though," he added with a wink. Haley and I looked at each other, both sets of our eyebrows set together. 

"What are you up to?" Haley asked, playfully nudging him. He put his hands up defensively before backing away from us. 

"You heard nothing," he laughed, disappearing from our sight. My eyes began to look around for a familiar face. He was not djing, because no one was behind the booth (I guess that's what you call it). God, I am clueless. Where is he? 

"Let's go over here!" Haley said, pulling me along behind of her before I could answer. We moved through all of the people and over to the drink area. As I picked up a drink, I noticed Cade was talking frantically to three counselors. All of the counselors nodded simultaneously before hurrying off somewhere. Cade smiled to himself. What in the hell is he up to? 

"Haley -" I was cut off by a pair an arm wrapping around my shoulders. Matthew. 

"Hey," he smiled down at me and then to Haley. She waved before giving me a look that seemed to be saying; told you so! 

"Hi," I muttered, looking away from him. I suddenly felt uncomfortable around him. Dammit Haley, why did you have to tell me that? She opened her mouth to say something, but she was cut off by someone else. 

"Hey! Are they all gone?!" a boys voice was yelling very, very loud. There was a cheer of loud yes' and soon, I realized what was going on. 

"Did they really get them to leave?" Haley asked with her mouth open in shock? I heard Matthew chuckling beside of me and somehow, I felt like he was one of the people who planned this out. "Well shit, I'm down," she started to laugh. It seemed slow but progressively, everyone caught on and began to cheer and throw their hands in the air. 

A new song began to play loud, the bass vibrating the room. I still felt Matthew's arm around me as I stood there awkwardly. 

"Mads, let's go dance!" Haley suggested, her eyes glancing between Matthew and I. 

"I can't dance," I said embarrassingly, turning my head towards Matthew's chest to hide my red face. 

"Hell, I can't either, let's go," she grabbed my arm pulling me from Matthew's grip. Well that is one good thing that she has done today.. I tried protesting but we were soon in what seemed to be the middle of the dance floor. Suddenly, I saw Cade's figure emerge from the people a proud smile on his face. 

"Aren't I genius?" he ran a hand through his hair and I could not help but smile. "Come on Mads, dance," he grabbed my hand to my shock. He started to do some weird dance moves causing both Haley and I to laugh a little to loud. 

"I fucking love this song," Haley commented as another song began to play loudly. She started to sway her body beside Cade carelessly. I watched them as I still stood there awkwardly. 

"It's not that hard to dance Mads," I looked up to my right to find Matthew again. He grabbed my hand spinning me around once, my back hitting his chest. I could not help but laugh. 

"What are you doing?" his hand was still intertwined with mine. "Because I have no idea what I'm doing," even though I could not see his face, I knew he was smiling. 

"Just go with the beat," he said into my right ear. Suddenly everyone in the room (including Haley and Cade) began to yell out the song lyrics. 

"Touchin', lovin', fuckin', can't make up my mind!" As crazy as this was, I was starting to enjoy it. Almost instinctively, my hips began to move back and forth. I heard Matthew singing along to the song and I felt like I was the only on who has never heard it before. 

"Everyone!" The music faded and a guy who sagging pants was talking into a microphone. "Give it up for Martin fucking Garrix!" He yelled and everyone began to cheer. Suddenly, Martin appeared and shockingly he was not wearing black, but a grey pullover. I felt my stomach tense up but flutter at the same time. 

"Can't stand him, but he is talented so might as well party it up!" Cade yelled, the people around us cheering with him. I laughed towards him but my eyes were focused on Martin as music began playing again. Unlike the other songs, this one sounded more electronic. The song started to build up and it dropped into a hard beat. 

"What's this song called?" I called out to Cade and he seemed to know instantly. 

"I think Symphony," he said and I nodded, I liked it. We all continued dancing to the music, not having care in the world. If this is what it is like to be a normal teenager, then I never want to grow up. For all these years whilst I have been doing nothing, my peers have been doing this. I never thought I would say it, but damn, weren't they lucky? 

In the depths of my mind I was worrying about two things though; one being the counselors and two; my parents. Especially after the tone of my dad today, I could not imagine the disapproval in his face. I pushed away my thoughts, ignoring the sigh that wanted to come out of my body. 

If there was one, I would so be going to hell. 


The longer this dance was going on, I began to get bored for a few reasons. The main one being Martin had stopped djing about thirty minutes ago and now someone else was doing that job. I had stayed close to Haley or Matthew not wanting to get lost in the mass of campers. 

As I was standing getting another drink, I eyed the two of them whispering to each other. Do not get me wrong, I appreciate Haley's help and Matthew's protectiveness, but they both can be overwhelming at times. A nervous feeling settled in my stomach at the thought of them talking about me. I turned away from them, not wanting them to notice my staring. 

"Shit," I cursed as someone had bumped into me almost causing me to spill my drink. I looked to find the biggest temptation staring at me. "Hi," I said awkwardly, hoping Haley and Matthew were still in there deep conversation and they would not be looking my way anytime soon. 

"Let's go," he motioned his head towards the exit. 

"What?" I asked wide eyed. I thought he had plans? You were part of his plan dumbass, I scowled to myself. I am such an idiot sometimes. 

"Just come with me," he smirked, persuading me even more to go with him. I took one last glance at Haley and Matthew (who were still in conversation), and before they would notice, I walked away with Martin. As I followed behind of closely through everyone, I felt his hand grab mine and I had stop myself from jerking it away. 

We made our way to one of the side exits, knowing that most of the counselors would be at the front. I am in no mood to get caught doing this by them, especially since a few campers had locked them out. Not to long after, we found ourselves making the familiar path to the dorm buildings, very sneakily might I add. 

"You look nice," he commented in whisper as he opened the glass door to the large building. I looked around one last time to make sure no one was near us. 

"Thanks," I said shyly, as he let me go in first. I was still not use to people giving me compliments considering my circumstances back home. Suddenly, I was picked up by him which caused me to squeal. "What are you doing?" I asked, laughing at him. 

"Carrying you, obviously," he rolled eyes, a smile forming on his face. As he made his way towards 'our' room, I guess you could call it, I felt his hand roamed further up the back of my thigh, sending shivers down my body.

He fumbled with the handle and then it opened with ease. He set me down easily, shutting and locking the door behind of him. "Don't need a repeat of last night," he winked before grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him. 

"It wouldn't have happened if you locked in the first place," I shot back in an obvious tone. 

"True, but that adds to the excitement, doesn't it?" His eyebrows raised suggestively. 

"No," I crossed my arms. "No more kissing, touching, or whatever in public. We don't need to get caught," I said, remembering Brianna and her stunt catching on to me. 

"Fine," he sighed dramatically. "Deal then," he smirked, leaning down to my lips. He closed the gap between us and it was a sweet small kiss before I pulled away. There were to many things on my mind to focus on him right now. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, his hand rested on the side of my neck. I leaned into the feeling, wondering if I should tell him about my problems or not. 

"I have a lot on my mind, that's all," I shook my head, leaving it at that. I do not want him to think he's a therapist or something. Abruptly, a suspicious smirk formed from his lips. 

"I can help with that," he licked his lips slowly. One thing that annoys me about him, is that he knows exactly what he is doing when he does these simple things. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm not having sex with you if that's what you think," I said the first thing that came to my mind, regretting it instantly. Do I even want to have sex? Hell, I confuse myself more and more each day. 

"No, Madeline Jade," he smiled down at me. I gave him a skeptical look, curious to what he was on about. He took a few steps away from me and went to the drawer beside of the bed. He opened it quickly, rummaging around it before making what seemed to be an 'Ah-ha' noise. He made his way back over to me, holding the object in his hand. 

"With this," his green eyes meet mine, a spark floating around in them. I looked at it strangely, glancing back up to him. 

What in the hell is that? 


A/N Hahahaha, omg I feel like this is going to be torture for you guys until I update again. Anymore guesses on what 'it' is? Hmmm, there's is clues everywhere hahaha. Make sure to leave me a comment and vote! :D Love you all xx

Twitter/Insta/Main Account - lindzfrienz12 Tumblr - lindzfrienzxo

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