No More Dream: Book 1 of the...

By OT7oramI

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What happens when your soulmate just happens to be an Incubus? More

Chapter 1: "Now we wait."
Chapter 2: "It's not time yet."
Chapter 3: "We're running out of time."
Chapter 4: "It will be okay."
Chapter 5: "I don't want her."
Chapter 6: "I'm screwed."
Chapter 7: "Enough of this shit!"
Chapter 8: "But my soul... my soul called for her."
Chapter 9: "This is not good."
Chapter 11: "Soon it will be too late."
Chapter 12: "She belongs to me. To me."
Chapter 13: "I knew it would never be enough."
Chapter 14: "Time to bring her home to you."
Chapter 15: "I couldn't be in love with her. Could I?"
Chapter 16: "Because I love her."
Chapter 17: "Please remember me."
Chapter 18: "It's just a coincidence."
Chapter 19: "I can't leave her alone."
Chapter 20: "If I didn't, I would lose her forever."
Chapter 21: "...a certain doe eyed, dark haired brother was noticeably missing."
Chapter 22: "Please. Please don't leave me."
Chapter 23: "It means she is yours."
Chapter 24: "My soulmate was finally where she belonged. In my arms."
Chapter 25: "It couldn't get any better than this."

Chapter 10: "That was close. Too close."

1.9K 142 4
By OT7oramI


Jackson pulled away from the soft kiss and stroked a finger down my cheek. I didn't want to get too ahead of myself, but I could feel myself falling for him. I already had a crush on him, but the sweet things he was doing were making my heart flutter. He was so different from any other man I had ever met and it made me so much happier than it should.

After leaving the ocean room, we headed towards the sea otters. They were definitely my favorite animals in the aquarium. I loved their cute little faces and the way they would swim around on their backs, rubbing their little paws together live evil villains.

"Do you know that otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from each other?" I asked, pointing to the adorable little animals.

Jackson squeezed the hand that he was holding. "Does that mean I should hold your hand so you don't drift away from me?" he asked, a shy smile on his face.

I turned to Jackson, my heart melting at his sweet words. I leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Yeah. I guess you could do that," I replied.

Jackson gave me another sweet smile and we stood there for a little while watching the otters run around on their little island before diving back into the water. We were laughing at their cute little antics when I felt a little hand pull my shirt. I looked down to see a little girl of about 3 or 4 years old.

"Can you help me?" she asked, her eyes filled with tears. "I can't find my mommy."

I bent down to her level and held out a hand. "Sure sweetie," I said. I turned and looked up at Jackson. "Can you grab one of the staff and bring them here? I don't want to leave the area in case her mom comes back." Jackson nodded and jogged over to the staff member that was on the other side of the exhibit.

As he was talking, a woman with glasses and short dark curly hair came rushing into the exhibit. Her eyes were filled with panic. As soon as she set eyes on the little girl, her eyes filled with tears and she came dashing over as I stood up. "Irene!" she said, dropping to her knees in front of the little girl. "You scared me so much baby."

I placed a hand on the woman's shoulder and she looked up at me. "Is everything okay now ma'am?" I asked.

The woman nodded her head. "We were in the bathroom. I told her to wait by the sink and when I came out, she was gone," the woman said, the panic starting to fade from her face.

"But mommy, I wanted to see the ooters," the little girl said, pointing to the fuzzy brown animals.

"I know baby, but you can't leave without me. You're lucky this nice girl was here. It's dangerous for you to be alone," the woman said, standing up and taking the little girl's hand. She then turned to me. "Thank you so much for keeping an eye on her. It shows me there are still good people in the world."

I just smiled in response. "No problem ma'am. I sent someone to go grab the staff while I waited here with her," I said, gesturing towards Jackson who was making his way back to us. He had a relieved smile on his face when he saw the woman holding the little girl's hand.

"Thank you again anyway," the woman said. We said our goodbyes and she led the little girl out of the exhibit.

Jackson ran a hand through his hair. "Wow. That was a lot of excitement before lunch. Speaking of lunch, want to head to the café and grab some?" he asked.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Sure. That would be great. I need a little break after that," I said. Jackson reached out and pulled me close to chest, hugging me tightly before releasing me and taking my hand.

We made our way out of the exhibit towards the aquarium's café. After selecting sandwiches, chips, and drinks, we sat down at a little table, looking at the map. We talked about what we wanted to see. Jackson was excited to go see the penguins and I laughed at his childlike amusement. This was why I enjoyed spending time with him. He enjoyed the littlest things and it just made me happy to be with him.

After lunch, we headed towards the penguin exhibit. I smiled as I watched Jackson's face light up when he saw the little black and white birds. He giggled as they waddled around on the ice before sliding into the water on their tummies. We stood there in front of the glass, pointing them out to each other, just enjoying each other's company.

As we left the aquarium a short while later, we talked about the things we had seen. We laughed about the fish that would gather up the gravel and spit it back out. We giggled about the way Jackson shrieked when he touched the stingray. We were amazed with the aquatic show and Jackson gave me an indulgent smile when I said I was going to quit college and become a dolphin trainer.

We pulled up in front of my house and sat there for a moment in his car, just chatting and enjoying being together. I noticed Jackson was nervous about something. His hands never quit moving, until I finally took them.

Jackson looked over at me. "Can I kiss you Y/N?" he asked, his cheeks red in embarrassment.

I didn't respond but leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. Jackson froze for a moment, but then moved his lips against mine, wrapping an arm around my neck and pulling me close. I fisted my hand in his shirt, clutching onto it for dear life at the way his lips felt against mine. He gently bit my bottom lip and when I gasped, he slipped his tongue in my mouth, rubbing the soft appendage against my own. I moaned into his mouth at the sensation and he pulled back, moving his lips to my neck, kissing a spot behind my ear that had me tightening my grip on his shirt.

Jackson brought his other hand up to the edge of my shirt and when I didn't stop him, slid his hand under the fabric, running his hand along my skin. He groaned out loud and rested his forehead against my own. He looked down at me and I put my other hand in his hair, dragging his lips back to mine. Jackson slid his hand further up my shirt, filling his hand with my lace-covered breast. Things were moving faster than I had expected, but at the same time, I couldn't and didn't want to hold back.

Jungkook POV:

Shit! Shit! Shit! Leaning against the side of Y/N's condo out of sight, I watched as Jackson and Y/N made out in his car. This was going to go a lot further than we wanted it to and there would be trouble. I picked up my phone and called Namjoon. "You've got to do something," I said as soon as he answered. "They're in his car right now and if we don't stop it, they're going to end up in her bed."

Namjoon let out a frustrated curse from the other end of the phone. "Give me 10 minutes," he said.

I slammed my hand against the wall next to me. "I don't think we have 10 minutes," I growled into the phone. I watched as Jackson slid his hand under Y/N's shirt. She dropped her head back and I swore as the steam from their makeout session began to creep across the window. Within a few minutes, I could hear the faint ringing of a cell phone. I saw Jackson pull away, answer the phone, and slam a hand against the steering wheel. He disconnected the call then leaned into give Y/N another kiss. She opened the car door and exited, heading into the house. I let out a sigh of relief. That was close. Too close.

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