Hear Me Roar: Lions Pride One...

By Coolest-Cassette

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Some one shots based on my book "Lions Pride". Dedicated to my friend-and the only reason I've felt motivated... More

Welcome To My New Book
Panic Attacks on Halloween
I Didn't Wanna Know
Regina VS Raph
Spring Fling
Family Time
Hotel Room
Mission Cheer Up Clara, is a Go!
I'm @CoolMom
You're So Rude To Me
I'm In The Jingle Mood
Yard Sale
I Want This
Naming Party
Genius at Work
Baby Shower (Part 1)
Baby Shower (Part 2)
Late Night Snack Run
Career Day (Part 1)
Career Day (Part 2)
Career Day (Part 3)
Maisie Rose Heron-George
The Friendship Book
Wedding Bash
I Like You, But You Like Who?
Let's Look For Eggs
Pointless Banter
Movie Night (Part 1)
Movie Night (Part 2)
Movie Night (Part 3)
Gold Star: I Hardly Knew Thee
Why You Acting So Weird
As All That I Am
Pranked Ya!

The Best Parts of The Hectic Season

43 3 11
By Coolest-Cassette

(Little Clara, aged 5 sits in front of the window in the living room watching the neighbors haul in their Christmas tree)

Clara: *gasps* Momma! Mommy! *runs off into the kitchen where Cady is standing at the stove making dinner, and Regina is washing dishes in the sink* Momma! Momma! Mommy! Mommy! They got their tree! *hopping on her toes excitedly*

Cady: *chuckles* Woah, someone's excited!

Clara: Momma! They got their tree! *points back towards the living room* I saw them! They gotta tree!

Regina: Whose got a tree, baby?

Clara: Them over there! I saw them bringing it in their house!

Cady: *looks confused for a moment before piecing together what she means* Do you mean Mrs Sonia next door, sweetie?

Clara: Uh huh! They gotta tree! Now we gotta get a tree! We have to! We have to! *bouncing again*

Regina: *chuckles*

Cady: Hold your horses! *giggles* We're going to get our Christmas tree this weekend, okay Princess?

Clara: *frowns slightly* But Momma—they already got there's!

Cady: *gently pats her head* Don't worry, we'll make sure whatever tree we get is gonna be perfect! It'll be worth the wait!

Clara: *smiles a little more* Okay! Can it be a big one?

Regina: As long as the tree can fit in the house! We don't want to get one that's too big! Then it won't fit!

Clara: *looks to be thinking about this* Okay! I'm gonna go play with Theo and Raph now!

Cady: If they're still napping don't wake them, okay?

Clara: *from the distance as she runs upstairs* Kay!

Regina: *chuckles* Tis the season.

Cady: *smiles* Yeah...and so it starts.


Cady: *helping little Ithilien get bundled up for the cold* Clarabelle, please get your boots on. It's very cold outside and I don't want any of you getting sick.

Clara: *grabs her winter boots, sits down on the floor, and begins shoving her feet inside* I can't wait to get our tree! It's gonna be a big one, Mommy said so!

Regina: *helping Raph with his winter gear* Now, if I remember correctly I said we can get one that will fit in the house. If it's too big we can't get it.

Ithilien: *whines slightly* Momma, I don't wanna wear dis coat.... *flaps his arms in the thick winter coat unhappily* It too big!

Cady: *sighs, zipping it up* We don't want you getting sick, Theo.

Ithilien: I won't! I pwomise!

Cady: *tries not to chuckle* Sorry, Bubbs. But—you need your coat. It's far to cold outside for you without one. It's almost Christmas! We want to be nice and healthy for Santa, don't we? *nuzzles her nose against his lovingly*

Ithilien: *giggles* Otay...I won't get sick for Santa! He gonna bwing me a dino!

Cady: That's right! I'm sure Santa knows all about dino! *finishes off by readjusting his hat over his ears*

Clara: I hope Santa brings me that book I want! The one that has all the presidents facts! 

Regina: *grins* We'll all just have to wait and see what Santa brings you all on Christmas morning! I'm sure he has some great gifts for you.

Clara: Yeah! We've been super duper good! Everyday!

Cady: *chuckles* Right. Everyday.

Regina: *chuckles too and shares a look with Cady*

Raph: *waddles to the door in his boots, snow pants, coat, mittens, scarf, and hat* *points outside*

Cady: Looks like someone's ready to go. Alright, buddy. *lifts her purse onto her shoulder, then opens door for the children to run out*

Clara: *giggles as she runs through the snow to the car*

Ithilien: *takes one huge leap into a snow pile, laughing loudly* Raph! Dis snow is fun!

Raph: *leaps in after his brother* *smiles wide*

Regina: Alright, giggleboxes, to the car with you! Our Christmas tree is waiting for us! *helps them out of the snow bank*

Cady: *sighs* Guess it was just wishful thinking we'd get to the car without them finding a snow bank to jump into and soak themselves.

Regina: They've got snow pants on, they'll be fine. Hopefully. *lifts Raph onto her hip* To avoid anymore mishaps...

Cady: *lifts Ithilien up into her arms* Right. Probably should have done this in the first place.

Clara: *calls from the side of the car* Momma! Mommy! Come on! We have to get our tree! *trying with all her might to yank open the car door with her mittened hands*

Cady: *chuckles, heading over with Regina following* Alright, alright, we're here. *holds Ithilien on her hip as she easily opens the door with one hand* Up you go into your car seat. *sets Ithilien in his seat and buckles him in*

Clara: *scrambles up into her car seat excitedly* *singing to herself* We're gonna get a tree, we're gonna get a tree. I kinda have to pee....but we're gonna get a tree!

Regina: *makes a face while buckling in Raph* Clarabelle—

Clara: *blushes embarrassed* No, I don't really have to pee. Pee rhymes with tree.

Regina: *sighs slightly relieved* Just checking in.

Cady: *presses a kiss to Clara's cheek* *whispers* Its okay, baby. We know you're trying. But if you need to go potty...or have another accident...don't be afraid to tell us, alright?

Clara: *fiddles a little in her seat* Kay, Momma.

Cady: *frowns sympathetically* We'll get you in pull-ups soon. You're working very hard, Princess.

Clara: *blushes a deeper red*

Regina: Cads. *makes a face saying to ease off* We gotta get going! We have a Christmas tree to go pick out! Remember the song? We're gonna get a tree, we're gonna get a tree— *cringes a little at the next part but wants to make Clara smile again* —I kinda have to pee...but we're gonna get a tree!

Clara: *giggles* Yeah!

Ithilien: We're gonna getta twee! We're gonna getta twee! I kinda haffa pee! But we're gonna getta twee!

Clara: *laughs*

Ithilien & Clara: *begin singing the song over and over again*

Regina: *presses her lips together suddenly regretting decisions she's made*

Cady: *sighs* Looks like the kids have a new favorite song....

Regina: I can't believe I'm saying this but... I think I prefer Baby Shark...

Clara: *gasps* Momma! Play Baby Shark please!

Ithilien: Yay! Baby Shark! *claps*

Regina: *sighs*

Cady: *giggles, and turns it on the radio* You basically asked for that one, Gina.

Regina: *huffs* Yeah...especially because I somehow ended up buying the remix. *rubs her forehead* You know how I like to play some music at work in my office?

Cady: *fishing around in her purse to make sure she brought ziplock bags of Cheerios in case the kids got hungry* Mmhm.

Regina: Well...let's just say it's now an office joke that I like to listen to the Baby Shark Remix.

Cady: Aww, babe. Did it start to play on your playlist in front of all your co workers? *trying not to laugh*

Regina: *groans* Don't remind me.

Clara: Mommy—Baby Shark is the bestest song ever! Don't you love it too?!

Regina: *presses lips together* Yep. It definitely is a great song, Princess!

Ithilien: I wove it too! Baby Shark, doo doo doo—!

Regina: G-Great song, kids. Momma and I love it too. Especially Momma. It's her favorite! *smirks*

Cady: Regina—!

Clara: *gasps* Its your favorite too, Momma?!

Cady: *swallows* Uh huh! I love it, hon. Just as Mommy said...it's a great song.

(After a long excruciating car ride consisting of multiple versions of Baby Shark, the Heron-George family finally arrives at their destination—to pick out their tree)

Cady: Okay kids, we're out in public so we're on our best behavior. All of you are to stay with Mommy or me the whole time. Understand me?

Clara: *bouncing excitedly in car seat* Yes! Yes! Yes! Let's go get our tree already!

Cady: *sighs* I mean it, Clarabelle. You have one chance. If you blow it—you'll be made to hold one of our hands the rest of the time, or you will be brought back to sit and wait in the car. There are a lot of people and it's easy to get lost.

Clara: Okay Momma! Let's go! *starts trying to wiggle free from her car seat restraints*

Cady: Let's go then.

*Once the kids are taken out of the car, they immediately start in pursuit of the perfect Christmas tree*

Clara: Momma! Mommy! Look at this one! *jogs ahead a little, but still in sight of her moms* It's super duper tall—and the branches are all pretty!

Ithilien: *waddles up to it and stares straight up as if it were a giant compared to him* Woooaaahhh! Dis one big! Super duper pooper biiggg!

*the kids giggle that he said "pooper"*

Cady: *opens her mouth getting ready to scold and lecture her children on manners*

Regina: *stops her* Babe, one just turned 5, and the other two are 3....it's inevitable they'll laugh when the words poop, pee, or fart come into the conversation. They're kids.

Cady: *sighs* *then looks around suddenly feeling her heart drop* Where's Raph? *looks between Clara and Ithilien in front of her* Raphael, where are you baby boy?

Raph: *standing right behind her* *opens mouth to speak*

Cady: He was right here! Where did he go?! Raphy? Where did you go?!

Raph: *in a weak, easy to miss voice* ....Momma....?

Cady: Regina—! We lost him!

Regina: ....Cads.....

Cady: No! We have to start looking for him! He could have wandered off into the woods by himself!

Clara: Momma....

Cady: Not now, Clarabelle, sweetie. Momma us looking for your baby brother.

Raph: *starting to panic because he doesn't think she can see him* M-M-M-Momma...? ....I....here.....

Regina: Cady—look behind you.

Cady: Huh? *turns to see little Raph, tears and all behind her* Ooohhh! Honey, there you are!

Raph: *crying because she forgot him* M-M-M..

Cady: Nooo....shhhh. *hugs him close* Momma's sorry, she didn't see you! *lifts him onto her hip* It's all okay now.

Regina: *blinks* Okay...glad that got sorted out. Now— *turns towards the tree again* —do we all like this one?

Clara: *nods frantically* Uh huh! Can we get this one, Mommy?

Regina: *looking it over to make sure it's not too big, or that it doesn't have any animals living in it* I think we can! Wow, first tree we find is the one we're taking. *turns to Cady* What do you think, hon? Like this one?

Cady: *holding a sniffling Raph on her hip* *looks towards the tree* Yeah, I think this one is good. Glad we can make this a quick trip. It's very chilly outside today.

(After finding someone to cut it down for them, the Heron-George's strap the tree to the top of the car and head home)

Clara: *from her car seat* Momma? Can we put all the pretty stuff on the tree when we get home?

Cady: You kids want to decorate before bed tonight?

Ithilien: *nods* Yay! I wove da twee!

Cady: *smiles at his cuteness* I'm happy you do, Theo. Well...I guess we can make that happen. You kids can decorate the tree after dinner before bedtime.

(Once they return home and bring the tree inside the house...not without much struggle...they set it up in the corner of their living room by their window and left it to be decorated by the children later that night)

Clara: *throws down her silverware by her finished dinner plate* Can I be done, Momma?

Cady: *glances over at her daughter's plate* Sure, just make sure you put your plate in the—

Clara: Yay! Thanks! *picks up her plate and hurries to the sink. Washes it off, then runs into the living room to the tree*

Cady: *blinks* —Sink.

Clara: *calls from living room* Can we do the tree now?! Please?!

Ithilien: *gasps* Yeah! Me wanna do twee too!

Raph: *nods frantically in agreement*

Regina: *sighs chuckling* Alright. *picks up the boys' plates and takes them to the sink* You boys go with Momma to the living room. You can decorate the tree with Clara.

(Ithilien and Raph hop from their seats at the dinner table and rush to meet Clara in the living room with Cady following)

Clara: *holds up homemade Christmas ornament* Momma, look! 'member when I made this!

Cady: *smiles and nods* You bet I do. Are you going to put it on the tree, Princess?

Clara: *nods* I'm gonna put it riiigghhhttt here! *hangs it on a middle branch* That way everyone can see it!

Ithilien: *waddles up to the tree holding an ornament he just made at daycare* Momma! I hang thingy too! *stands on his tip toes and places it on a branch lower than Clara's*

Cady: *ruffles his hair* Good job, Bubbs! It looks beautiful!

Ithilien: *beams* Tanks! But I tink it looks cool! ....and pwetty!

Cady: Mmhmm! Cool, pretty, and beautiful. All at the same time! *looks to Raph* What about you, Raphy? Are you going to hang an ornament on the tree?

Raph: *nods and continues to dig around in the box* *pulls out an old ornament from Cady and Regina's wedding*

Cady: Awww, I haven't seen that in a while! *smiles* Well, you do the honors, buddy. Can you hang it on the tree for me?

Raph: *smiles slightly and nods* *waddles up to the tree and hangs in next to Ithilien's*

Cady: *kisses his head* Good job, baby boy. It looks perfect.

Regina: *snaps a picture of Cady and the kids decorating the tree*

(Once the tree is completely finished, the kids sit back and admire their hard work.)

Clara: *claps her hands giddily* We did it! We did it! It looks so pretty!

Ithilien: And cool!

Raph: *gives thumbs up*

Cady: *sighs lovingly at the kids* It looks great, kids. You all did so good!

Regina: *nodding in agreement* You all certainly did. But—I've gotta be the party pooper now. *motions to the clock*

Clara: Awww, but Mommy, we just finished the tree!

Cady: Mommy's right, kids. It's bedtime now. *lifts a yawning Raph into her arms* Besides, you all are getting sleepy.

Raph: *nods, rubbing his eyes*

Ithilien: *shakes his head* Nuh ah! I not! Me not sleepy! *fights a yawn too*

Regina: *chuckles* Don't you know the sooner you get to sleep, the sooner the next day comes? And that means the sooner Christmas will be? Santa can't wait to bring your gifts...but if you don't go to sleep...you've gotta wait even longer!

Ithilien: *looks to be considering this* Oh... *looks towards the stairs for a moment before hurrying off towards them* Momma—Mommy, gotta go! Gotta go to sleep! *waddles up the stairs slowly*

Cady: *chuckles* Careful on the stairs, hon.

Regina: *smiles too, and lifts Ithilien from the stairs into her arms* I got you, Theo. Up to bed now. *carries him the rest of the way upstairs with Cady following*

Cady: Come on, Clarabelle. Let's go.

Clara: *hurries after them obediently*


Cady: And they all lived happily ever after! *closes the book* Alright, it's time to— *looks towards all her kids who are now completely asleep*

Regina: *chuckles quietly* They were out before you even got to the middle of the book. *lifts Clara up into her arms to take her to her room*

Cady: *sets the book back on the shelf* *tucks Ithilien back into his bed before going to Raph and doing the same* *whispers into their ears* Goodnight, baby boy. See you tomorrow. *kisses them on their heads before following Regina to Clara's room*

Regina: *lays Clara into bed and tucks her in* *kisses her head* Goodnight Princess.

Cady: *kisses her head too* We love you. So much.

*they turn to leave*

Clara: *stirs a little* Mommy? Momma?

Cady: *looks back at her* Whats wrong, baby?

Clara: Can I ask you guys something...?

Regina: *looks to Cady, then back at Clara and nods* Of course, what's up?

Clara: *fiddles with her blanket almost nervously* Is....Is Santa....really real?

Cady: *eyes widen in surprise* Why...of course he is, honey!

Clara: *looks down a little* Oh...okay...

Regina: *walks over and sits on the bed* Why do you ask, Princess?

Clara: Well...at school....people were saying....if you still believe in Santa...that you're stupid....because Santa isn't real.

Regina: *brushes Clara's red hair from her face* Of course Santa's real, baby. He brings your gifts every year, doesn't he? You write to him and he writes back. We make him cookies and leave out milk and he eats and drinks them....

Clara: *nods slowly* I know...b-but a kid in my class told me that it's just your parents that do all that stuff....and that they're lying to you...*looks up with big hopeful eyes* You guys don't lie to me...right?

Cady: Absolutely not, Bella. *joins Regina on the bed* Santa brings presents to all little kids all over the world. *thinks* And...I hear Santa brings extra special gifts to the kids who believe in him.

Clara: *looks up with stars in her eyes* Really? So...If you think Santa's real...he'll bring you better gifts then other people who don't believe in him?

Regina: *looks to Cady with a subtle grin* Maybe. *shrugs* Santa likes to keep these types of things a secret. He won't even tell me or Momma.

Clara: *gasps* You and Momma have talked to Santa?

Cady: You bet! How else would Santa know how good or bad you and your brothers have been this year?

Clara: *squints eyes* So you and Mommy tell Santa if we've been good or bad? *looks nervous* D-Did you tell him we were good...or bad?

Regina: *chuckles, and kisses her cheek* You don't have anything to worry about. You're all great kids and I'm sure Santa knows that. *boops her nose*

Clara: *giggles* Okay, Mommy. *lays her head back down on her pillow*

Cady: *smiles re-tucking Clara's blanket around her* Goodnight, baby girl. *kisses her forehead*

Regina: *follows suit with Cady* Love you, Princess. *kisses her cheek* See you tomorrow.

Clara: *yawns, and rubs eyes* Love you guys too... *eyes slowly flutter shut as she falls asleep*


Regina: *rubs her forehead tiredly* I know it's tradition...but do we have to go over there? Every year?

Cady: *sighs* It's your Mom, Gina. I know you two aren't super close but...look how much better it's gotten between you two since Clara's been born and we've been spending more time with her. Besides, Christmas is about family. We spend Christmas Eve with my family...so we spend Christmas Day with yours.

Regina: I know...but she just goes...above and beyond. That and I know I'll have to listen to her complain we don't visit more. I'm just suggesting...maybe we try to make Christmas Day a more...intimate occasion...with just our kids and us...here....and not there.

Cady: *chuckles* You do realize the can of worms you'd open if we didn't go to your parents house for Christmas Day...right? Not to mention...the kids love running around that big house...they'd be disappointed if we didn't go.

Regina: *groans* I know they would! I'm just....not ready for how emotionally taxing this is going to be.

Cady: It's only one night, babe. And we probably won't even stay overnight this time. Ithilien and Raph don't do well away from home anyway. We'll just stay for dinner, opening gifts, and the family game...then we'll pack up and head home. Deal?

Regina: I suppose so. *pecks a kiss to her cheek* I can't wait for it to be over....I love to see the kids on Christmas...but it's tiring....

Cady: *rubs circles in Regina's shoulders* I know. But tomorrow is Christmas Eve. We've finished our shopping...now all's that's left is to see the kids on Christmas morning....then survive the night at your parents house.

Regina: *chuckles* Oh, help us.


(Christmas Eve has finally arrived. The family has just returned from Cady's parents house)

Clara: *already dressed in her pajamas* Momma, can we put Santa's cookies out yet?

Cady: *looks at the clock, nods* Sure, can you handle getting the tray by yourself? Remember, both hands.

Clara: *stands on tip toes and grabs the cookie tray with both hands, and carries it in* Got it! Theo got the milk!

Ithilien: *waddling in his onesie pajamas concentrating not to drop the glass of milk*

Raph: *following behind his brother holding his favorite stuffed giraffe up to his cheek tiredly* *Due to getting too hot while he sleeps, he's wearing nothing but his pajamas shirt and a diaper*

Clara: *carefully sets the tray down under the tree* I did it!

Ithilien: *crouches down completely to play the glass carefully, then pops up excitedly* Me did it too! I bwing milk for Santa!

Regina: *sipping her late night hot tea* *chuckles* You both did great.

Clara: I hope Santa likes sugar cookies... *starts looking nervous* If he doesn't—what if he doesn't give us our presents?!

Ithilien: *gasps* Wha....Santa not gettin' us pwesents? *tears up*

Cady: Aww, don't worry kids. Santa loves sugar cookies! And we should know—we've talked to him before, remember?

Clara: *sighs in relief* Ohh yeaaahhh!

Ithilien: Momma?! You talk Santa?

Cady: *cups his cheek in her hand, kisses him* Both me and Mommy have. He told us he loves sugar cookies, and can't wait to bring you three your presents. His only request is that all three of you be fast asleep!

Clara: Can we sleep now?! I wanna get presents!

Regina: *checks clock* You all still have a little bit before your bedtime....are you sure you want to go to sleep now?

Ithilien: *nods* Santa comin!

Clara: Yeah! I want it to be tomorrow now!

Raph: *already waddling to the stairs*

Cady: *giggles* Well, okay then! I wish it could be like this every night!

Regina: *laughs*

(6:00 am on the dot. Ithilien stirs from his sleep)

Ithilien: *gasps excitedly, rips his blankets off his tiny body, waddles to Raph's bed across the room* Bro! Bro! Wake up! It Christmas! It Christmas! Santa came!

Raph: *rubs his eyes, pulls his giraffe up to his face, yawns*

Ithilien: We gotta go! Santa came! He bwing pwesents!

Raph: *carefully crawls from blanket shivering slightly from only being in his diaper*

Ithilien: Let go! Let go! *runs out of room to Clara's* Sissy! Sissy! Up! Up! Santa came!

Clara: *rubs her eyes a little disoriented at first* Theo...? Santa came! That's right! *springs out of bed* Let's go get Momma and Mommy!

*the three kids run as fast as their little legs will allow all the way to Cady and Regina's bedroom down the hall*

Clara: *runs into the room, dives into the bed* MOMMA! MOMMY! WAKE UP!

Ithilien: *pulls himself onto the bed with a little struggle* Y-Yeah! SANTA CAME!

Regina: *whines slightly pulling her pillow over her face*

Cady: *sits up after a moment of hesitation* Kids...it's still a little early—how about you all head back to bed for a little—


Ithilien: *hopping up and down excitedly* Pwesents! Gotta go! Gotta go! Gotta go!

Raph: *standing on the floor beside Regina's night stand* .....Santa......

Cady: *sighs knowing it's useless* Alright—let's go. *looks to Regina* Babe, you better get up...you're not going to want to miss this. Plus, no one gets to open anything until everyone is awake and downstairs!

Ithilien: *gasps* Mommy! Mommy! *gently pulls the pillow off her face* Santa came! *kisses her nose* Get up...Pwease?

Cady: Awh! *smiles*

Regina: *giggles from his kiss* *sits up, takes Ithilien in her arms* Fine. I guess I can wake up. Just because you asked so nicely. *sets him down* Well, go get them.

*the kids scramble out of the room with their moms in tow*

Clara: *fines a gift with Clarabelle written on it and starts ripping it open* It's Playdoh! *looks over the box more and grins* I can make animals! Look! Momma, I can make a dog like Max! *holds up her stuffed puppy*

Cady: *nods* Santa must have known, huh?

Clara: *nods smiling at the box*

Ithilien: LEGOS! *holding up a box that's bigger than his whole body* LEGOS! MOMMA! MOMMY! SANTA BWOUGHT LEGOS!

Regina: *giggles* You like it, Bubbs?

Ithilien: *hopping excitedly* IMMA GONNA BUILD!

Raph: *smiles at his brother, then gently tears into his present* *gasps*

Cady: *smiles* What did you get, Raphy?

Raph: *holds up a kiddy guitar* ....I...play....music....

Regina: *ruffles his hair* Glad you like it, hon.

Clara: *grabs another gift for her* *opens it, then gasps* MY BOOK! *holds it up* Mommy! Momma! Santa brought the book I wanted! Look— there's George Washington, and Abe Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt!

Cady: *kisses her head* Good job, sweetie! You're so smart!

Clara: *immediately opens it and starts reading it* Thank you, Momma...

Ithilien: You got a book? *makes a face but opens his next gift* DINO! DINO! *jumps up and down* DINO! *starts tearing into the box like a rabid animal*

Regina: *chuckles* You guys have more presents you know! *pulls three large wrapped gifts out for the kids*

Ithilien: *looks up* Wowie....

Clara: It's big! *runs to it and rips into the paper*

Ithilien: *does the same with Raph in tow*

Clara: *jaw drops* Its a bike! Santa got me a new bike!

Cady: *smiles* Now you can learn to ride a big girl bike!

Clara: *claps* Yay! Kenny at school knows how to ride a bike! That's so cool!

Ithilien: *opens his gift to find a blue Little Tike Balance Bike* I gotta bike too! Me gonna ride too!

Raph: *opens his Orange Balance Bike and grins* .....Me...too....

Ithilien: We go ride now? Pwease?

Regina: Maybe after breakfast. For now, how about you all play with your smaller gifts?

Ithilien: *goes to his dino and being playing*

Raph: *strums his toy guitar*

Clara: *reading her presidents book*

Regina: *kisses Cady's cheek* I think they had a good Christmas. Wouldn't you?

Cady: *giggles* I agree. They'll hopefully be kept busy enough. I'll go start breakfast for now.

Regina: No, no. I got breakfast today. You go relax with the kids.

Cady: *grins lovingly* Thank you, babe—

Clara: Momma! Mommy! Can we play Christmas Baby Shark?

Regina: *groans to herself* They made a Christmas version?

Cady: *chuckles and nods* Yep, it's called Santa Shark. *turns to Clara* Alright, baby girl. Just give me a minute.

Clara: *nods and runs back to her book and new toys*

Regina: *looks to Cady almost begging*

Cady: I have to, Gina. It's their Christmas morning. Besides, it's only a song.

Regina: Yeah, that song is going to be stuck on repeat for months now. I'll never get it out of my head....

Cady: *giggles and wraps Regina in a hug* I got a secret for you.

Regina: *looks confused* Huh?

Cady: *whispers in her ear* baby Shark. Doo, Doo, Doo, Doo, Doo, Doo, Doo. Baby Shark—

Regina: *groans* CADY!

Cady: *bursts out laughing* Merry Christmas!

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