A new Start (Highschool Dxd x...

By legeeee

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What if ... after he died for his brother and the village . Itachi Uchiha would be reincarnated in Highschool... More

Chapter 1 : Being born again
Chapter 2 : Adaptation
Chapter 3 : Problem with the Phenex
Chapter 4 : Decisions
Chapter 5 : Growing Strong
Chapter 6 : Nothing to lose
Chapter 8 : Don't lose yourself
Chapter 9 : A fight to remember
Chapter 10 : Shadows of the past
Chapter 11 : A new power is rising
Chapter 12 : To Battle
Author note
Chapter 13 : Changes
Chapter 14 : Author note

Chapter 7 : Whispers In The Dark

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By legeeee

It has been over two years since Itachi got his new weapon , he became used to it , not at first .. no .. no , at first .. it tried to corrupt him , searching deep in his heart , using his secrets and his weakness against him , showing him dreams about his old life , about his brother , family, and clan , how he slaughtered them . Of course, it didn't work out , his will was too strong and the Katana powers were too weak , not tasting blood in some hundreds of years can be pretty bad for some . But things changed when he started to hunt down stray devils  , it wasn't for pleasure or because he was simply a good citizen , they were coming too close to the mountain so they have to die in present he was fighting a girl , she was a nekomata ..rare species , almost to the brink of extinction and she was special to a Senjutsu user , the first one he meets beside his Master .

" Why are you fighting me , i didn't do anything wrong , i just want to hide for a while and then i will be on my way " her voice was trembling

"Well .. devils like you are never learning , 20 came here and none left , yet you are still coming on this mountain , i guess i was to merciful with you " activating his sharigan and looking her straight in the eyes 

"W-w-what are you doing ... don't come closer , please have mercy !! I didn't want things to go this way , i had to kill him or my little sister would have been ... "  she didn't need to finish that sentence because he already knew what she would say next .

His eyes came back to normal and  he said " I would listen to what you have to say , if i feel that you are lying , you die the next second , have i made myself understood ? " a cold gaze meet her golden eyes, and she only noded 

"A few months ago , our master started to make experiments on us , he wanted to create a new weapon and to have more power , i didn't say anything on those months , because i was afraid for my sister and as long as she was safe , i could endure everything , but one day he told me that my sister must to go next , not me ... that was the moment when i lost it ... i killed him , then his family came to attack me , i didn't have a choice ... it was for Shirone ... if i ... " but before she could say anything more , Itachi raised his hand and told her to stop 

"That's enough , you are free to go " 

"J-just like that ? " she couldn't believe it , she always heard stories about this guy , he was a warrior like no other and he was a devil just like her , exiled and looked down upon ... just like her .

"I know how it feels " his stoic face , changed into a sad one " to protect someone you love with everything you have , i understand , this is why i will let you go this time , but do not come in Kyoto again , others would not make the same decision as me"

" T-thank you , i will never forget this moment , thank you ! " she said while bowin her head and in a few seconds after that , she was gone from his sight 

It was sad in fact , she didn't meet such a beautiful girl in a long time , but girls could wait , he had to go in a mission , yes he was doing missions , he was not taking money or something , simply to help out his Sensei , after all he was still a devil and some Youkais still didn't trusted him . The mission was simple , go into an old church and kill those fallen angels , their activity over the years became more and more problematic , at first they talked with Azazel and it seems that he didn't know about the attacks , that could mean only one thing : A Group of Stray Fallen Angels , of course they strayed with a reason and that reason was Kokabiel , one of their Leaders , that lunatic was simply crazy and he tried to start another war between the 3 factions , over the years but Azazel always kept his leash tight , until one day ... he left . 

He was so lost in his train of thoughts that he didn't feel the person behind him and only in the last second , he took out his sword and stopped a blow from his Sensei staff 

"Hmm , i thought that i told you to never let your guard down Itachi " 

"And i didn't , as you can see i stopped the blow " his voice with kept no feeling and his ever stoic face was there too 

"Hehe , you may be right , but never forget this , you let down your guard in a battle , you are dead , got it kid ? " Itachi only nodded ( He already knew haha shinobi life ) " Good , now go to your mission , i will wait for you with some food home , don't be late , oh yeah and don't forget about the stray exorcists . " and with that he was gone and a second after him , Itachi was gone too .

A few hours later - Near Aokigahara Forest

Itachi looked down at the church from the hill , there were many exorcists and fallen angels guarding it , but what reason did they have ? Such an old place , with no life in it , they were guarding something or someone most likely , he had to see for himself . Itachi then jumped down from the hill, he landed on the pathway leading to the church and he slowly began walking , taking out his katana and activating his Mangekyō Sharingan. His footsteps were the footsteps of death as he approached the church calmly , looking in his pouch , he took out a mask , it was not one like those from ANBU , but as long as no one could identify him , he was ok with it

"Hey who's that?" An exorcist questioned and grabbed a hold of a gun hidden in his cloak.

"Halt! Identify yourself!" Another exorcist said and grabbed a hold of a light sword handle, and activated the light blade. The masked man with a katana and red eyes , didn't stop .

"Hey! Get out of here!" An exorcist walked up to the masked man, but that turned out to be a mistake. The moment the exorcist got close, the cold blade of a katana blade sliced across his chest. "ARGH!" The exorcist screamed in pain as blood gushed out and the masked man holding the katana, kept walking towards the church.

"What the?! Get him!" Another exorcist shouted as the entire exorcist army ran towards the masked man.

The masked man began running towards the exorcist army with his katana blade in his hand. The masked man threw the katana stabbing into chest of the exorcists in the front. The masked man jumped onto the man and grabbed the handle of the katana pulling it out as blood gushed out from the exorcist. The moment the exorcist fell to his knees Itachi used his body as a springboard and jumped further into the ocean of exorcists.

"Argh!" An exorcist screamed as Itachi cut his arm clean off and then sliced the katana across his throat ending his life. Itachi then turned around and kicked another exorcist in the chest sending him flying, Itachi pulled out a kunai and threw it into the flying exorcist, whom once landed in the crowd of exorcists discovered that in the kunai was a paper bomb tag.

"What the-" The exorcist questioned as his body exploded into bits taking several other exorcists with him.

Itachi at incredible speed cut through the exorcists one after another. Itachi tilted his head to the side dodging a light sword, Itachi quickly grabbed onto the wrist of the exorcist holding the sword and pulled him in and stabbed the katana through his torso. Itachi then pulled the katana out and swung the blade at the exorcist's neck cutting his head clean off.

The real problem for Itachi was in the momment when a group of Fallen Angels , started to came from another room of the church , many of them with 2 or 3 set of wings , to say that their killing intent was big , would be a joke , it was simply huge 

"What happened here ?!" shouted one of them , what he saw was simply a massacre , 90 % of the exorcists were simply slaughtered , heads, legs , arms and deformed bodys were laying on the floor in a bath of blood .

"Kill him !!! Killl him noww !!!! " shouted another one , in that momment all of them created light swords and charged towards Itachi with a battle cry ,each one of them coming from different directions , meeting their swords in one spot : Itachi body .

"Hahaha , you are not so tough right now are you ?!!" they all started to laugh for a few seconds , until their smile died , when the body started to transform in a flock of crows and the crows started to attack them , attacking and eating their eyes , making them to scream in pain , the original Itachi only watched from the corner and when he got bored of the sight before him , his sharingan started to spin like crazy and all the crows exploded , creating a huge explosion outside .

When the smoke cleared , fragments from the fallen angels bodies could be seen around and more shoutings were heard from the church , the doors opened and more exorcists and fallen angels came from it .

"This is going to be a problem ... they said a group not a whole army ... and my energy is going down this is going to be problematic " said Itachi while he sighed and prepared for the next wave of Exorcists and Fallen Angels .

"Fire!" An exorcist shouted as they all fired their guns at the masked man. However, Itachi with his sharingan dodged all the bullets with ease and even deflected some of them with his katana. Two exorcists charged at him with their light swords raised above their head, Itachi swung his body and sliced off the leg of one exorcist and threw a kunai into his throat. He then grabbed the other exorcist by the arm and pulled the exorcist's arm behind his own back into a lock, he then stabbed his katana through the exorcist's heart. Itachi heard gunshots from behind him and quickly turned around using the body of the dead exorcist as a shield. Itachi then placed a paper bomb tag at the exorcist's body and kicked him off his katana and to the crowd, an exorcist caught the dead exorcist in his arms and then discovered the paper bomb tag on his back. He didn't have time to react as the tag exploded, taking him and several others with him.

Looking around the rest of Exorcists and Fallen Angels became terrified of the masked men , one of them even said " H-h-he's a monster !! You demon !!"

"And you haven't seen it all yet" said Itachi while doing some hand signs

Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!

The mask man spitted out a wave of fire that spread across a wide area. The exorcists looked in horror as they were blasted by the flames. ""AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!"" All of them being burned alive , leaving nothing behind them but Ashes .

After killing everyone , he continued his way in to the church , it was empty , no one inside it but he felt a dark malicious energy coming from a door , he walked over the door and opened it , revealing a men , sitting on a chair in the middle of the room 

"I take that you are Kokabiel" asked Itachi in a monotone tone

"Nope , he is long gone , i remained here you know , to have some fun , i've seen you fighting , i must to say your skills are impressive and that sword of yours is more impressive , should i take it after i kill you ? " said the man , now geting up from the chair , stretching for a bit , before revealing his pair of 5 wings 

"Hmm , a Cadre .. you are going to be a problematic one , aren't you ? " said the masked man with a stoic voice .

"Even if you say that , taking from your voice , you are not very scared , how could you ? You slaughtered around 60 exorcists and 30 fallen angels , but don't feel bad about it , they were all stupid , unworthy to serve us and you just helped us with something i would have done later , but i think that is not the time for it now , is it ?" creating a few lighting spears and throwing them toward Itachi , who himself , took out some kunai with paper bomb , throwing them in the spears direction and creating an explosion .

"Well , i must to say those Kunais are really intersting , now before i really kill you , who sended you after us ? Was the devils ? Fallen angels ? Youkais ? If you answer me , i promise not to hurt you that much ."

"I don't think that i want to ask this question of yours" 

The Fallen Angel then vanished from where he stood and Itachi widened his eyes in shock, he quickly turned around and blocked a strike from the fallen angel swords of light with the katana. 'My sharingan didn't even detect his movements.' Itachi thought in shock as he backed up when he blocked a strike from the fallen angel with the Katana. Itachi leaped onto the broken stone cross at the altar of the church, and then jumped of it as the Fallen Angel swung the light swords into it shattering it to pieces.

Itachi then threw four kunai knifes at the Fallen Angel whom deflected all of them with his light swords. Itachi leaped at him with the Katana raised above his head, he then swung it down at the fallen angel whom blocked it with the light sword , quickly avoiding one of the swords hit , taking out from his pocket a paper bomb , he attached it to the Fallen Angel face and jumped to take some distance from the explosion . After the tag exploded making the room to tremble , the smoke cleared , revealing the Fallen Angel without any injuries 

"That was fun , but don't think that i'm like one of those weaklings , you are going to need more than this to kill me " he said while he created a lighting spear , which became bigger and bigger by seconds until it was as big as a car , he then throwed the spear towards Itachi who started to do some hand signs Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique a huge Fireball hitted the spear , creating such a big explosion that it destroyed the whole church with everything inside . The Fallen Angel , now releasing the wings which protected him from the impact , looked around finding no sign of the masked man , he smirked to himself thinking that he killed , what was surprising was that the same masked man , jumped from the ground right in his face , looking him in the eyes with those red , demonic eyes of his and in a few seconds he started to feel sleepy until he feel to the ground .

"Huh , this guy was real problem if he wouldn't had left his guard down , i don't think that i could fully beat him " said now a panting Itachi  , he looked around everything was destroyed ... such a beautiful place destroyed ... this is how life works after all and now he has more important bussiness to take care of , if only another familiar presence would not strike his senses , turning his head slightly to the right , he was meet with a familiar face . After staring for a bit , he finally said : Azazel 

The fucker chosed the worst momment in history to appear and he was not alone , he had a whole army behind his back and from what it seems , another strong Fallen Angel .. this time with 10 wings and because life or someone ( A/N : me ) was pulling a joke on him , the boy he meet sometime ago Vali , was there to .

"Well , well what are we having here , who are you my dear friend and why do i feel that your energy is so familliar , like ... is like i've meet you some time ago " said a smirking Azazel 

"Cut the crap Azazel , what do you want ? Came here to save your dogs ? " Said Itachi who now unmasked himself and started to look with a cold gaze towards Azazel who just kept his smirk , the older man had a surprised face , mostly by how young was Itachi and Vali was surprised almost opening his mouth .

"Now now don't be so bad Itachi-Kun , i just want to thank you , what have you done here was pretty impressive , not only you defeated an army , but you defeated an Cadre , i must to say that you are much much stronger than you have been in the past "

"Sorry but i don't have time , it's already late and Sensei prepared the dinner , maybe with some other occasion " he started to move , wanting to leave but Vali would not let him , activating his armour he jumped in Itachi face ready to stop him , if not for Azazel " It's alright Vali , let him go , you wouldn't defeat him aniway at your present level and look around , he simply slaughtered everyone here , i must to say .. to see that sword again after so many years , you really are someone full of surprises Itachi-kun" the White Dragon Emperor looked ready to complain but after a stare down with Azazel he nodded and moved away , when he was no longer in their sight , the fallen angel with 10 wings started to speak.

"Are you sure it was a good choice to let him go ? So young and yet ... look at the destruction he caused , he is dangerous "

"Ahh don't worry so much Barakiel , i find him really intersting in fact and shouldn't you be thankfull to him ? He saved your daughter after all , even if she is a Devil right now , she could be Dead long ago if not for him" at that the older Fallen Angel didn't said anything .

With Itachi

"Sensei is going to kill me ... "

"No he is not"

"Haa ?? who said that , who is there ?" Why he couldn't feel anything , where was that person 

"You are not looking in the good direction . Look down on your left " said the voice , he complied but when he looked down , there was no one but his Sword ..

"You don't mean" Itachi tone became quite worried , he heard this voice many times in his dreams ..but now ..

"Yep me , your Katana , pleased to meet you and thank you for the feast those souls were simply delicious" 

"This is going to be a long night ... " said Itachi while sighing .


And Finish !! Haha , hope you guys liked this chapter, Itachi is a bit more OP but mh whatever , he is Itachi after all , he was created to be OP , you can vote and comment and i hope you enjoyed it , oh yeah and tell me a nickname , because this incident is going to be heard around the whole world and i need Itachi to have a badass nickname to be recognised ! Have a good life everyone !

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