The Secret Cousin

By Queen-Nox

368 29 0

Orphaned like her cousin, Emalia grew up in the home of Albus Dumbledore. A talented and curious witch, she f... More

Chapter 1: A Different Beginning
Chapter 2: The Path to Beauxbatons
Chapter Four: An Unwelcome Response
Chapter Five: The Suffering of Others
Chapter Six: Something... Forgotten?
Chapter Seven: Legacies
Chapter Eight: An article and a vial
Chapter Nine: The Pull of the Dark
Chapter Ten: St Mungo's Hospital
Chapter Eleven: The Meeting
Chapter Twelve: Recovery
Chapter Thirteen: Arrival at Hogwarts
Chapter Fourteen: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter Fifteen: Explosions
Chapter Sixteen: Repercussions
Chapter 17: Detention
Chapter 18: Quidditch Trials
Chapter 19: Discussions
Chapter 20: Falling
Chapter 21: Christmas at Hogwarts
Chapter 22: Two Steps Forwards
Chapter 23: Five Steps Backwards
Chapter 24: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 25: Dreams
Chapter 26: Summer Begins
Chapter 27: A Journey
Chapter 28: Aven

Chapter 3 A Letter, A Mentor and Mischief

22 1 0
By Queen-Nox

The inside of the palace was just as magnificent as the outside. It was glittering, bright and airy. Emalia was shown to the dormitory she would be living in along with five other first year girls. They were all from different regions throughout France. 

Emalia noted that she seemed to be the only person outside of France to be here in Beauxbatons; as far as she could tell anyways. The other girls looked at her then continued unpacking their belongings.

Emalia looked at her belongings. There was no surprise like Albus had said and she felt the disappointment she had been feeling since she was told she was not attending Hogwarts grow in the pit of her stomach. She opened her trunk and using a spell she had memorised but never used put away her clothes magically. 'At least I can do magic here' she muttered to herself. 

The other five girls were chattering away to each other in French occasionally looking over at Emalia and giggling. Emalia made a rude face in their general direction, even though she knew they were not saying anything bad, and they looked highly affronted and refused to even look at her after that. 

'Good!' thought Emalia bitterly 'I didn't even want to come to this stupid school in the first place.' And with that she left the dormitory the sounds of new friendships being made were left behind her.

Emalia wandered around the school and the grounds looking for a place to be alone with her thoughts. Eventually she found a small class room which was empty and she went inside. She sat on a chair and wondered why Dumbledore thought she would be better off in a whole other country. 

Surely she would have been safer under his watchful eye in Hogwarts? He always knew everything she did. He had a sixth sense about things. Every time she tried to play a prank on him he would always catch her out. 

Once when she thought she finally got him to drink a cup of tea with some engorgement potion in it he simply switched the cups and her tongue grew to double its original size. It took Dumbledore a whole ten minutes to stop chuckling before he reduced her tongue to its normal size.

As Emalia continued to try and figure out why she was sent here she noticed a tiny brown owl tapping against the window. She quickly got up out of her chair and opened the window to let the little thing in. It held a letter for her in its beak with familiar slanted handwriting. 'It's from Albus.' She said to herself. She took the letter from the brown owl and rubbed it head. It hooted at her affectionately.

  Dear Emalia,

By now you should be in the Beauxbatons Palace. Wonderful place is it not? Lovely weather there as well. It rarely rains you know. Now, I promised you a surprise that would cheer you up. Well here he is. This little brown owl is now yours. His name is Griffin. He is quite an affectionate little fellow. You can use him to send letters to me to let me know how you are doing. Remember to write now.

- Yours, Albus P. W. B. Dumbledore.

P.S. Also you might be interested in the history of Beauxbatons. I would suggest looking around the school at all the old student photos and the trophies. You might find something of interest there.

Emalia stared at the little brown owl hooting on the desk in front of her. 'Maybe this isn't a bad place to be after all' she smiled as she rubbed the small owl. 

'What are you doing in here' asked a very throaty voice from the door. 'You are a first year are you not?' Emalia looked up and in front of her was a very pretty young girl with silvery blonde hair standing in front of her. 'Yes, I am a first year. Am I not allowed in here?' asked Emalia.

The other girl looked at her pointedly and said in a matter of fact tone 'No you should be in the hall, you are being assigned a second year student to help you for the first few weeks. Are you Emalia Potter?' Emalia looked at her. There was no point in lying she was more than likely the only first year that didn't show up in the Great Hall.

'I am' sighed Emalia. The other girl smiled broadly at her. 'Good.' She said still smiling 'I am Fleur Delacour and I am the second year student in charge of you.' Emalia looked at the girl with disbelief. 

Fleur chuckled 'Do not worry I would just rather get to know you. You look like someone' she paused and then smiled 'special.' With that the two girls walked out down to the hall to have dinner.

Over the course of the next few days Emalia spent in classes. She had made up with the girls in her dormitory, apologising for her rudeness, and even made an instant connection with a girl called Violette DeCoursey. 

As the classes began to get into a routine, Emalia became more and more restless. She wasn't challenged; all the things that they were learning in the classes came to her like second nature. She had read some of the books that Dumbledore kept at home and when she was sure he wasn't paying close attention she copied out the spells incantations and information and practiced the wand movements at night.

So instead, Emalia amused herself in class by causing mischief. In Transfiguration she changed the cushion on Professor Baudin's chair into a porcupine which caused him a great deal of discomfort but a great deal of amusement to the class.

 Although Baudin was impressed with Emalia's transfiguration skills, it didn't stop him from giving her two weeks detention.'Emalia!' called a voice her after the class. 'Hey! Emalia wait up!' Emalia turned around and saw that Jack Bellamy was running after her.

'That was brilliant' he said grinning broadly 'Baudin's face when he sat down. Priceless.' Emalia looked at him and smiled back at him 'Thanks' she said 'I was bored and I thought the class could use a bit of entertainment.'

Jack laughed 'You should keep us entertained more often.' Emalia turned to walk away, then stop and turned around 'Just wait and see what I have planned for future classes Jack.' She said with a mischievous gleam in her eyes and she walked off to Charms with Violette; the two of them whispering and laughing as they went.

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