The Price of Freedom

By WritingLikeMyJob

34.8K 1.8K 218

After Farrah Winchester found her father and uncle, she also discovered her true nature: lycan, the rarest of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Snippet of Future 1
Accidental Not One Shot 2
Final Part 4

Chapter 13

816 52 16
By WritingLikeMyJob

Chapter 13

Sam stood in front of Cas, who had just dropped to his knees in pain. "What is this?" Cas said. "Sam, have you learned any new spells I am unaware of?"

"Even if I had, why would I use them to hurt you? Here." Sam grabbed his arm and helped him into a chair. "What happened?"

Cas rubbed his head and didn't answer, his eyes growing wide. I'm sorry, Castiel.

"Cas?" Sam asked, crouching down in front of him. "Cas." He stood up and pulled out his phone. "Dean, something just happened. You've gotta get back here. No, no. It's Cas. Yeah. He just collapsed and he's not answering me. No, he's still here. Looks like someone just stepped on his cat."

"I prefer dogs."

Sam rolled his eyes and hung up. "Dean's on his way back."

"Good. Although he may not be too pleased, when he finds out it was because of Farrah."

"Farrah?" Sam sputtered. "What could she have done?" He started to think about all the angels and demons she'd killed using spells, and began to wonder if she'd gone off the deep end. Who knows? Maybe she had been in hell, or maybe purgatory had really changed her. It seemed like it had so far.

"When I said that I love her, it may have triggered something-activated a new part in her brain. I do not know what."

Castiel...? Can you...can you hear me?

He sat up straighter and unnecessarily nodded. Yes, I can.

"Cas? What?"

"Farrah is speaking to me."

Sam's eyebrows shot way up. "She is? Whoa. Can you ask her where she is?"

"She has not answered to this point. There is no reason to think she may answer that question now."

"Cas, please."

He sighed. Who are you with?

Who says I'm with anyone?

I do. I know that you would never desire to be alone.

You're right, like usual. Don't worry. He's a close friend.

He didn't know why, but hearing her say that she was with another male made his heart rate accelerate and dilated his pupils.

Is he kind to you?

I wouldn't be here if he wasn't. You know him. It's okay.

Do you plan to come back?

At this point no.

Please do. He was just grasping at ways to get her away from him-whoever he was. If not Dean also, Sam and I miss you.

I would tell you where I am, Castiel, but I cannot trust that you wouldn't tell Dean.

I swear I will tell no one. If you trust me not to, then I won't. I will never purposely betray you.

Farrah chuckled lightly and kicked her feet up on the dash of Garth's truck. Good enough for me. I'm with Garth.

Who is he? I do not remember.

Garth Fitzgerald IV.

Oh. I remember him now. Thank you for telling me.

Come visit whenever. Then she said aloud, "It's probably best if you don't tell Dean though."

"Why?" Garth jumped and swerved the car. Screeching to a stop, the car jostled all three passengers.

"Who-Castiel!" Garth smiled. "My man! What's up? Haven't seen you since this time last year when the Winchesters and I ganked that skin-walker!"

"Farrah and I have been in purgatory for the last year."

"So I've heard." He started the car again. "Thought Far kept it a secret that she was here?"

Farrah grinned and turned her shoulder into the seat to face them both. "I can trust him. And anyway, it isn't Castiel I'm upset with."

She winked at him and he frowned, not understanding the meaning of it. When she chuckled lightly, his even slight understanding of the situation shallowed ever more.

But he understood one thing.

He'd stood faithfully at Sam and Dean's side for close to ten years, and had been thinking on his own for at least that long. In all that time, he had never found a woman attractive. Yet when he first saw Farrah she was breathtaking. And after getting to know her...he really did. There was no doubt about it.

He loved Farrah Winchester.

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