This, Is My Story

By x3Vicky

18.3K 41 53

Being a Senior in High School School isn't easy, especially for Stephanie, experience the sexy adventures fac... More

This, Is My Story
This, Is My Story: Part 2
This, Is My Story: Part 3
This, Is My Story: Part 4
This, Is My Story: Part 5
This Is My Story: Part 6
This, Is My Story: Part 7
This, Is My Story: Part 8
This, Is My Story: Part 9
This, Is My Story: Part 10
This, Is My Story: Part 11
This, Is My Story: Part 12
This, Is My Story: Part 13
This, Is My Story: Q&A
This, Is My Story: Part 14
This, Is My Story: Part 15
This, Is My Story: Part 16
This, Is My Story: Part 17
This, Is My Story: Part 18
This, Is My Story: Part 19
This, Is My Story: Part 21
This, Is My Story :Part 22
This, Is My Story: Part 23
This, Is My Story: Part 24
This, Is My Story: Part 25
This, Is My Story: Part 26
This, Is My Story: Part 27
This, Is My Story: Part 28
This, Is My Story: Part 29
This, Is My Story: Part 30
This, Is My Story: Part 31
This, Is My Story: Part 32
This, Is My Story: Part 33
This, Is My Story: Part 34
This, Is My Story: Part 35
This, Is My Story: Part 36
This, Is My Story: Part 37
This, Is My Story: Part 38
This, Is My Story: Part 39
This, Is My Story: Part 40
This, Is My Story: Part 41
This, Is My Story: Part 42
This, Is My Story: Part 43
This Is My Story: Part 44
This, Is My Story: Part 45
This, Is My Story: Part 46
This Is My Story: Part 47
This, Is My Story: Part 48
This, Is My Story: Part 49
This, Is My Story: Part 50
This, Is My Story: Part 51
This, Is My Story: Part 52
This, Is My Story: Part 53
This, Is My Story: Part 54
This, Is My Story: Part 55
This, Is My Story: Part 56
This, Is My Story: Part 57
This, Is My Story: Part 58
This, Is My Story: Prom
This, Is My Story: Promdiggity
This, Is My Story: Graduation
This, Is My Story: The End
This, Is My Story: Q&A

This, Is My Story: Part 20

299 0 0
By x3Vicky

We finish all of our homework and Lola Leaves saying her sister has to go to the optometrists, I let her go without walking her to the door or anything. I run to my Mac and open it. My screen  is filled with Aim and OoVoO. I have to finish a Social Studies project and I skipped Service for it and now I'am procrastinating. I reply to everyone's IM or something about homework. I work on my Social Studies essay that is due tomorrow and I have only done 1.5/5 percent of it and I have to do a 3D Model Of Cleveland! I'm going to die from all the pressure.

My phone vibrates as I type the rest of the history of Cleveland. It's Joshua:

"YO!" I answer rudely

"Do your Social Studies Homework!" He yells 

"I AM!" I yell back

"No, I mean like speed type thing of other words no taking Wikipedia's words" He says as I look down at my computers screen and  I am on Wikipedia.

"Shut Up" I say Amused as I end the call

I read the info on Wikipedia and think of a way to mix up the info into my own words. I all photo's at the bottom of each page and a large title on the page to indicate what the info is on the page. It's mostly to occupy space and make it seem as if it's more than it actually is. There's not that must things about Cleveland. It's just sports and bears and some other things that I could careless about. After I finish that page I get up and stretch. I stand by my balcony and take a deep breath, my phone vibrates again but this time it's restricted.

"Hello" I say tired

"Stop breathing the damn air and do your homework!" the voice says as I hang up the phone.

I put my papers between my keyboard and the screen on my mac, close it and move it over to the balcony. I sit down on the floor, open up my laptop, pull the papers out and begin again from where I was.

1 more page to go until hell is over and I can finally do the fun thing. I try to make a good Conclusion by what my crazy Ela teacher told me even though we're actually working on introduction,bodies, and conclusion of essays currently so I really don't have that much information but from what she taught us it's pretty much like keeping the reader there for a while but gently letting them go their separate ways. I look to my side and look back at my screen. I finish the last page, save it, print it and leave it in the printer ( our printer is next to our  front door) I print out another copy to my room printer, staple it and cram it into my bag, it ended up being 7 pages due to the photo's and titles on each page.

I go to my closet grab my Nike's throw the sneakers that were inside the box on the floor and go to the balcony, I drop the box on the floor and walk over to my supply desk. My supply desk contains imported tools, crayons,markers ,pencils, and pastels. Some of the other stuff are in the art room like paints and other canvases of all sorts, our art room walls are splattered with paint of different colors.

I reach for the paint

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