All about him

By nazfer001

27.1K 1.5K 242

Nazli and Ferit used to write to each other but lost contact. What happens when they finally meet in person a... More

And they meet...
Her secret...
Take care of...
Beginning of the end...
Up in the air...
Ring a bell...
Bundle of nerves...
Mind vs Heart...
Tug of war...
Out of control...
Turn of events...
True or false...
Off the track...
Feeling blue...
Come to terms...
One and only...
Worth everything...
Head over heels...
Make Amends...
Take it easy...
Tip of the iceberg...
Seal the deal...
Thinking about you...
Calm in chaos...

Three little words...

1K 61 14
By nazfer001

He rested his forehead against hers as they tried to catch some breath. Smiles seemed to be plastered on their faces and as their eyes met, their lips fused together again. Her hands messed his hair while he caressed her back and waist pulling her closer than ever. They heard the door opening sound and realised Fatos was home.

"I guess I better leave now..." He smirked.

As they reached the door, she held his hand and stopped him.

"I can stay if you want" He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Your hair" She rolled her eyes and adjusted his hair.

"Text me once you reach" She left a quick peck on his lips. He returned the gesture and left.

She rested at the door till he went out of sight. She closed the door and smiled as she walked towards her room. Fatos popped up smiling.

"Is it real now?" She held Nazli excitedly. She could only give her a shy smile. Fatos squeezed her in a hug.

As she settled on the bed, all she could think about was him. Her mobile rang and she answered it immediately noticing his name on the display.

"Thinking about me??" She asked.

"Like I've nothing else to do" It seemed like he wanted to mess with her.

"That's disappointing as all I could think about is you." She admitted.

"In that case how about we meet for breakfast?? I'll pick you up" He offered.

"We can but you'd have to take me to a fish seller before that" She had to place a few orders as it was only days till the opening now.

"Do I have to? Why don't we meet at the cafe?" He seemed to escape now.

"Fine I'm not coming to that event of yours as well." She knew it would work.

"Ah Nazli remember you're negotiating with Ferit Aslan... I never lost a deal." He warned her.

"Brace yourselves to face defeat, you met your match Ferit Aslan" She played along.

"I think Pelin is going to be attending tomorrow. Let me ask her then" He teased her.

"Cool and then go get married as well since your mother still thinks it would be possible if I wasn't involved." She bit her tongue as she realised what she spoke.

"Did she say that to you?" His tone seemed serious.

"Yes, but I told her off as well that's never going to happen. Forget about it." She tried to calm him.

"I'll see you tomorrow" He cut the call.

Next morning, she stepped out of the lift sadly but ran to hug him as soon as she spotted him.

"You came?" She asked her arms still around his neck.

"How could I disappoint you!!" He looked into her eyes. He knew he upset her by ending the call abruptly.

They went to the fish seller where she placed an order and then he took her to a cafe.

"This looks a bit rustic compared to your usual standards" She pulled his leg as they entered a simple cafe by the river.

"We used to come here with Dad after fishing. He loved the coffee here." He had to share this place with her.

They went in and placed the order. They discussed the food and coffee as they ate. She loved the coffee.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier what my mum told you?" He asked her directly.

"Because it'll upset you and see it did." She admitted.

"I know a lot happened over the past few weeks. We held things and upset each other. Particularly I disappointed you a lot but trust me that was not my intention. I'm sorry. I promise I'll never cut contact like that ever again Naz" He wanted to apologise for the past.

"I was angry, but I could never hate you." She reached out to hold his hand. He took her hand and kissed it.

"We should take turns to treat each other. You can go first." The bill came and he passed it to her while she looked at him surprised.

"Is this a way to be indebted to me so you can drag me to dinner?" She paid the bill smiling as she recalled the last time, she came up with that idea to escape from letting him pay the bill. He drove her to the restaurant.

"I'll see you in the evening. Please don't bother Ms. Iqbal, I've asked Fatos to sort a dress for me." She kissed him before she got down.

"I'll see you in the evening then" He drove away.

It was a busy day at work and her new team made some progress with their recipes including her suggestions. She went home tired but the thought of seeing him excited her. Fatos was waiting for her eagerly to dress her up. They got ready and he sent Tarik to pick Fatos and her.

As she walked into the room, she saw his eyes light up. He kissed her and whispered close to her ear, "I think we better leave". She nudged him as colour rose to her cheeks. She went to greet Zeynep and Demir. The event seemed to be the launch of some hotel chain.

The speeches went on for some time and once they ended, people started to interact. She was starting to feel a bit bored, greeting people and making polite conversations. Thankfully, he was by her side. He was talking to someone about the design and she was starting to feel a bit bored when she felt his thumb carcass her on the back of her palm as he held her hand. She struggled to maintain a straight face while he continued talking as if nothing happened. She prayed the people at their table left.

"What were you doing?" Once they left, she looked at him in question.

"What did I do?" He acted innocent.

"Where's Pelin?" She looked around trying to spot her.

"I was only teasing you... She's in Izmir." He winked.

"Never do that again..." She warned him.

"You can't really be jealous? I can never think of anyone else in this lifetime." He noticed the look on her face and pulled her closer to face him.

"Good for you..." She smirked at him and walked away.

She found Demet standing in a corner and went to greet her.

"Are you okay?" She asked as her sister seemed a bit lost.

"Can I stay with you for a few days?" Demet surprised her with the question.

"Sure, why not. Is everything okay?" She was concerned.

"No, I just have some work here and thought it would be nice to spend some time together." Demet assured her though she was not convinced.

She went back to their table, but he was at another talking to someone. Her gaze was fixed on him. Suddenly his eyes met hers and winked at her. She tried to control herself as he caught her staring at him dreamily. It was not her fault though when he looked so perfect in every angle.

"How are things going?" Zeynep joined her.

"Good... I'm so excited for the restaurant opening." She tried to divert her mind to other important things in her life.

"I'm sure it'll be a huge success." Zeynep pulled her into a side hug. Demir took her for a dance and she watched them dance. The way they looked at each other even after years of marriage and raising a kid together, she wondered if Ferit and her would reach that stage.

She felt an arm slide along her waist and bring her to the dance floor. Her hands went around his neck as he pulled her closer and his hands went around her waist. Their noses touched as he leaned down to drown in her eyes.

"You seemed a bit lost earlier" He questioned her, and it surprised how he could read her so well.

"It feels surreal to be with you. I'm going to wake up one day and it'll all be a dream..." She admitted.

"Even if it is, all it would take is the moment we set sight on each other to kick it all off again..." His eyes conveyed their own message that he would forever be hers.

The music stopped and they let go of each other. It was time to head home and she informed him that she needed to leave with Demet and about her stay.


It was late Sunday morning when he woke up and dragged himself out of the bed. Last he saw her was at the opening of the restaurant few days back. She was busy for the past few days preparing for the opening. The opening day went well with the all the good reviews they managed to get with the soft launch. He was proud of her for pulling it off and did his best to support her. She even managed to kick off the tasting menu and it seems to be picking up well.

His work kept him extremely busy as well with all the preparation they needed to do for a new resort construction. He went with Engin for the survey of a site in Bodrum. Though it's been only 2 days since he last saw her in person, past few days have been a torture to not be able to hold her close. A smile formed on his face as he recalled their last communication where she pretended to be angry that he was tormenting her like this to get back at her for the times she was busy.

As he brushed his teeth and made his way to the kitchen for coffee, he could smell the aroma of freshly baked cookies. There she was taking them out of the oven.

"Be careful Ferit" She tried to balance the tray in her hand as he engulfed her in a hug from behind.

"When did you come? Why didn't you wake me up?" He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Early morning and you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to disturb" She said while he tried to picture her watching him.

"Can I taste it?" He tried to pick one and dropped it as it was hot.

"It's hot" She held his fingers close to her mouth and softly blew on them.

"I'm fine" He traced her lower lip with his fingers instead.

He turned her around and his lips came crashing on hers. She matched his intensity as they tried to show each other how much they missed the other. He rested his forehead against hers to compose themselves and catch some breath. Her mobile buzzed and her mood changed immediately.

"Ok we don't have much time... Get ready!!" She got out of his grip and pushed him towards the stairs.

"What for?" He wanted to spend the day with her. He could only manage to see her at the restaurant a few times but there was always someone interrupting them.

"Lunch at my brother's place." She informed him.

"When was it planned? No one told me." He was unaware of any plans for lunch.

"Zeynep and I discussed it." She got busy packing the cookies.

"You should have checked with me." He crossed his arms.

"I dare you to say no." She looked him in the eye challenging him.

"Fine" He shrugged and left to his room.

He was driving when she filled him on the details of progress at the restaurant.

"I don't think I've to worry about the restaurant anymore. Just let me know when you need me." He was confident that she can handle it on her own.

"No way... You're still coming for the weekly meetings and squabble with me for my decisions." She laughed.

"Did Bulut finally meet your sister? Demir was okay with Bulut meeting her?" He was surprised to know about that when Nazli told him during one of their calls.

"Yes, they met and seem to bond well." She explained to him how she had to persuade Demir and as it was at her home and there was no Hakan, he agreed.

They reached and Bulut came running to them as soon as they stepped in. Lunch was fun and relaxing. He was in the company of everyone that was dear to him and he could get used to this family time.

"So, when can I start preparing?" Zeynep looked at them.

"Preparing for?" Nazli seemed ignorant of what she was referring to.

"Ah Demir... what will I do with these two?" His sister sighed while Demir laughed.

"Wedding of course... Demir has modified his will giving joint custody of Bulut to both of you but I think he needs to add a wedding clause. Bulut would need a proper family if something happens to us." Zeynep laughed but he glared at her.

"You know I hate it when you say such things...." He could never imagine his life without his sister.

"Don't even think about it..." Nazli warned them.

"Fine relax guys...We're not going anywhere but seriously when can we expect celebrations though." Demir joined in.

"You too..." He looked at Demir in shock.

"Of course, I look forward to seeing my little sister as a bride..." Demir pulled Nazli into a side hug as she blushed.

"Look who's rushing us... You spent all of your college years with indecisiveness whether to confess to each other or not." He recalled the time when Zeynep told him that she likes someone in college but not sure if he did. It was only after their graduation that they decided to tell each other.

Thankfully Bulut dragged them to play hide and seek ending the discussion. He dragged her with him into a storage room.

"Leave me Ferit... Bulut might walk in anytime" Nazli stepped back as he inched closer to her.

"If you promise to have dinner with me..." He stroked her cheeks with his fingers when she closed her eyes as he captured her in his arms.

"Dinner?" She opened her eyes a bit dazed.

"Nazli" They heard Bulut screaming her name.

"Fine... that was such a wasted opportunity. I could have said yes to anything." She kissed him and escaped from there when he got distracted.

He sighed and walked out to see her swirling Bulut around. They bid goodbye and headed out as evening set in and it was time for Bulut to sleep.

"I thought we're going out to dinner." She asked as he drove in the direction of his home.

"I just said dinner... Have some patience..." He concentrated on the road ahead.

Once they reached, he blindfolded her and took her in. He made her sit on the sofa and went to the library to pick up something. He turned on the record player and led her into the garden. He finally asked her to open her eyes and she saw a table set up in the garden just for the two of them.

"When did you plan all this?" She was surprised.

"Well, I've to thank Ms. Iqbal for it." He confessed.

He poured them drinks and handed her the glass. "To us" They toasted together at the same time and laughed. As the song changed, he pulled her to a dance. She rested her head on his chest as they swayed.

"Did you enjoy today?" She asked as she pulled back and looked into his eyes, still in his arms.

"Today has been such a memorable day. I've something special to share with you. This is from my grandmother for that special person in my life." He slipped a bracelet around her hand.

"You've captured my heart in a way no one ever was able to and no one will ever. I love you Naz." His eyes communicated his love for her while she held his face, brought it close to hers and kissed him softly pouring all her love for him.

"It took some time to accept it but that sense of belonging whenever I'm with you, I never felt it with anyone. I just feel incomplete without you. I love you Ferit!!" He held her face in his palms and caressed her cheek as she spoke. His lips captured hers tasting her and as her tongue twined around his, the feel of her body against him was enough to fuel the desire building up in them. 

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