Karakai Jouzu No Takagi-San:...

By campbelljimmy55

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Nishikata confesses his feeling to Takagi but things don't work out because she thinks his confession is a jo... More



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By campbelljimmy55

previously: Sanae tells Nishikata she has a crush on him and he says he likes her back and they begin dating

Sanae and Nishikata kiss

Nishikata, Sanae, Yukari and Mina were all walking to school together and Sanae and Nishikata were holding hands as they walked together both smiling,

when they arrived at school they stopped holding hands and Sanae said she had to go and use the bathroom

when she walked into the bathroom she used the toilet and as she was washing her hands Takagi had walked into the bathroom and walked up to her

"Hey Sanae"

"What do you want Takagi?"

"are you and Nishikata dating?"

"yes we are, why do you even care? I thought you didn't care about him"

"of course I care about him he is my best friend"

"you mean he WAS your best friend"

"but i love him"

"HEY, he's my boyfriend not yours, you had your chance with him but you rejected him, he doesn't like you anymore, you should of treated him better, you never seemed to care about how he felt"

when she finished speaking Snae left the room and walked back over to Nishikata Yukari and Mina and she saw Takagi staring at her and Nishikata and Sanae wanted to make her feel more jealous

"Nishikata kiss me" she said suddenly

"w-what?" he asked confused why she suddenly wanted to kiss him, before he could react Sanae gently grabbed is cheeks and pressed a gentle kiss onto his lips making him blush and she blushed too

Sanae stared at Takagi as she kissed nishikata

when they stopped kissing Takagi looked as sad as she possibly could and ran back into the girls bathroom, 'D-damnit, I wish I accepted his feeling there when he first confessed, why did I think he was lying, if I didn't he would be my boyfriend and that would be me kissing him not her'

when they stopped kissing Nishikata stared at Sanae shocked

"what was with the sudden kiss?" he asked shocked and confused

"I just love you, that's why" she answered

"aww that's so cute" said Mina


during their lesson they had Mina asked Yukari, Sanae and Nishikata if they wanted to have a sleepover at her house, Sanae and Yukari both agreed easily but Nishikata was a bit nervous about having a sleepover with three girls

"C'mon Nishikata it will be fun" replied Mina

"it might be fun, b-but a sleepover with three girls that just seems a bot weird for me, s-sorry"

"Nishikata you don't have to worry about anything it's just a sleepover" told Yukari

he eventually agreed to having a sleepover with him after the three of them kept asking him to have one with them,


the trio began walking to school together and talked about their sleepover

"so Mina, what exactly would happen at the sleepover?" asked Nishikata

"Well, we would all stay up late, play games like truth or dare etc, share secrets" she told him

they arrived at Nishikata's house and he said goodbye to the three girls and he entered his house and he got ready for sleepover by packing a bag, he only packed his pajama's and a change of clothes for the next day and his toothbrush


Nishikata had walked to Mina's house and he knocked on the door and Mina answered

"Welcome to the sleepover Nishikata" she led him inside the house and into her bedroom where Yukari and Sanae already were waiting

"hey Nishikata" they both greeted him

Mina and Nishikata sat down with them and Mina told them the first thing they were going to do

"first lets play some truth or dare" she pulls out 2 decks of laminated cards

"we will spin a bottle and whoever it lands on must pick out either a dare card or a truth card" she told them

"why don't we just choose the dares ourselves?" asked Sanae

"It's funnier this way" answered Mina as she grabbed an empty bottle

"what happens if you don't do the dare or don't answer the truth?" asked Nishikata

"if that happens the other players will think of a punishment for the person failing the question or dare" she answered

she spun the bottle and it landed on Nishikata and so the girls didn't think he was a coward he pulled a dare card and read it out loud to the three girls

'kiss someone chosen at random'

his face turned red and all the girls faces turned red too

"do I have to spin the bottle again and who it lands do I have to kiss?" he asked embarressed

the three girls nodded at him and Sanae looked a little annoyed that someone else might kiss him

he spun the bottle again and waited to see who it pointed at

when the bottle stopped spinning it was pointing at: Yukari

both their faces turned dark red as they stared at the bottle

"D-do we have to kiss?" asked yukari

"You have no choice I guess, I-It is a dare" said Sanae trying not to get too upset with the outcome

"F-fine" said Yukari before she moved over to Nishikata and gently kissed him on the lips

during the kiss Nishikata just awkwardly looked at Sanae and Mina not exactly knowing what to do

"THAT'S LONG ENOUGH NOW!" shouted Sanae before pulling Yukari of Nishikata to end their kiss

"S-sorry" said Yukari before sitting back down with a red face and silently looking down at the floor

the bottle was pinned again and it stopped and pointed at: Nishikata again

"me again? seriously" he grabbed a truth card this time and it read:

'who was your first kiss?'

he answered by saying that his first kiss was Sanae which made her smile a little and lightly blush

the bottle was pinned again and this time it landed at: Mina

she pulled out a dare card because she felt confident she could do any dare and it read:

'Don't blink for thirty seconds'

she  tried not to blink for thirty seconds but kept blinking before she could reach thirty seconds

"so you failed the dare time for punishment" said Yukari

"Wait let me try again" she said but the three others shook their heads and got ready to give her a punishment for failing her dare

they decided her punishment would be that she has to do 20 pushups and after almost an hour she eventually got 20 pushups done, she looked like she was about to faint but didn't and they continued the game

they spun the battle again and it pointed at: Nishikata again

he pulled another dare card thinking it wouldn't be as bad as his previous but it read:

'kiss the person to your right'

his face went red and he looked to his right where mina was sitting and both their faces turned red

"why do I keep getting stuff kiss related" he said annoyed before he and Mina leaned towards each other hesitant to kiss until Mina presed her lips against his and they kissed for a couple seconds before stopping

the bottle was spun again and it landed on: Yukari

she pulled out a truth card and it read:

'if you could go on a date with anyone in the room who would it be?'

"UMM? i guess Nishikata she answered

"Hey he's mine" said Sanae half-joking half-serious (more serious than joking)

the bottle was spun again and it ended on: Nishikata again

"me again? seriously" he pulled out a ruth card and it read: 

'how often do you masterbate?'

his face turned as red as it could turn and he was hesitant to tell the girls what it said

"What's it say Nishikata"

"Umm, Mina how old is the truth or dare deck for?"

"I don't know I only bought it recently so I don't know what the cards say, why? what does yours say?" she asked before leaning in and reading his card, when she read the card her face turned red too, before he could react Yukari had grabbed the card and read it too while showing it too Sanae before both their faces turned red too

he didn't want to answer but he also didn't want the girls to think he was coward so he still answered the question

"Umm... I-I umm m-ma-aste-erbate a-at leas-st o-once a d-day" his face turned even redder and so did all the girls

despite the card they just pulled they continued the game and spun the bottle which pointed at: Sanae

she pulled out a dare card which said:

'do a round of KISS, FUCK, MARRY'

her face turned slightly red before she showed the card to the other three before making her decision

"I would 'fuck' Nishikata 'kiss' Mina and 'marry' Yukari"

they decided to end the game and get ready for bed, while the girls changed into their pajama's Nishikata waited outside the room, and when they were finished they left the room so Nishikata could change into his pajama's

the got ready to go to sleep, Mina slept in her bed while, Nishikata, Sanae and Yukari had sleeping bags to stay in, mina laid in her bed and continued talking to the other three and they tried to forgot the innopriate truth or dare game they had, and Nishikata tried to forget that he kissed Yukari and Mina but what he didn't was....

they both liked kissing him

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