The Other Side

By BZZT629

76.1K 2.9K 627

Attempted suicide leads to a quirkless boys revenge on the world of heroes. With the help of the League of Vi... More

Puppet Master
A Little Sherlock
Secret Messages
All Mights Message
A drunk kid
Hide Takahashi
Let loose
Villains Win
USJ Begins
USJ Middle
Stay Away from what's mine
Cool down boy
Villains Son
Sports Festival
A Sign
A little training
Dangling Meat in Front of a Dog
Todoroki Files
Plotting and Execution
Breaking Point
Let it Out
Sort out your thoughts
Catching Kaachan
Rescuing Kaachan
Something's Better Than Nothing
A little message
Bakugou's Inspiration
Hero Licenses
No leaving without goodbye
Jump time baby. woohoo
Wait What


765 42 9
By BZZT629

    This is awkward. Why doesn't he just talk already? We are heading to the same place and we will be working together for the week. May as well get to know each other a little better.

    " Why'd you choose him of all people?" There's the question I knew was going to come eventually. Good thing I memorized the speech I was going to give him.

    " I respect him for working so hard to knock All Might down a peg or two. All Might isn't what I would call a hero. You remember when Bakugou got angry at me for accidentally calling him Kaachan?" The boy in front of me nodded. " That's because he's working hard to find the one person who can call him that.

     I'm sure you heard of him on the news. Midoriya was his name. Everyone knows that he was a quirkless boy that tried to commit suicide. What they don't know is that All Might was the last person to see him and talk to him before the hop over the edge."

     " Ok, so what? That doesn't make him any less of a hero."

    " I'm not done yet Todoroki. Where was I? Oh yeah. Midoriya had been having a rough day already. Wait that's not the right word. He had a rough day everyday thanks to Bakugou's gang. He had been having an awful day.

    You see, the teacher had brought up UA and how Bakugou was going to take the exam for it. He also mentioned how one other student planned to. Our quirkless little Deku. If you don't know already Deku is what Bakugou refers to Midoriya as.

    Well our little Bakugou did not like that. After class he went up to our already week willed boy and started insulting him and telling him to not even try because there is no way a quirkless boy would make it in. That alone was bad enough. The line he delivered before he left was what really shook Deku up. “ If you really want to be a hero so bad pray you'll have a quirk in the next life and take a swan dive off of the roof.”"

    " I don't see how this has anything to do with All Might."

    " Patience. You needed to know a little bit about what was going through our boy's head during their meeting. Ok I said the swan dive thing. Terrible really. No one should have to hear that. Ok, back to the rooftop where he was with All Might. Yes that rooftop. The one where he did a little drop.

    Now Deku really loved All Might. His room was covered with All Might figures and posters. So meeting his idol was a big deal. All his life he had wanted to meet this man and on the day he needed something amazing to happen the most he met him.

    So they are on this rooftop and talking. Deku mentioned how he wanted to be a hero even though he was quirkless. All Might then said, well you know what he said. It was all over the news. That big message on the side of the building. That's what he said to a boy who already had the words Kaachan said running through his head.

    Give up. Take a swan dive off of the roof. Those phrases where going through his head when he jumped. By some miracle he survived. After breaking out of the hospital he found me. He wanted to leave this place so I helped him and promised to make sure those two didn't find him."

    " So you hate All Might for saying the words that pushed your friend over the edge?"

    " And some other personal reasons. That's not the only Midoriya he was responsible for killing. Deku's father and my dad died the same day because All Might didn't save them. He was too busy swimming in vinegar."

    " Your dad is alive. Did you forget the whole USJ incident. If you're going to lie make it a good one."

    " No my dad is dead. My father is alive. Father takes care of me dad is the one that loved me." I could see him getting irritated.

    " What about your mother?"

    " Tell me about why you hat your father so much before I tell you anymore of my trauma." He looked taken aback but complied. His story took till the end of the ride to finish. I knew it would. I had already done research so I knew the story and then some.

Oh glorious Time Skip

    " Shoto you made it and you brought the Takahashi kid with you."

    " I came of my own accord sir. He didn't even understand why I came." I can't let that half and half boy get credit.

    " Well why did you come? I'm sure you had plenty more offers."

    " Because I respect that you are trying to pass All Might." He smiled.

    " Shoto you have good friends."

    " He's not my friend." Well fuck you too then.

    " Whatever let's get to work." Right away? This guy doesn't rest. Good, I get to see him in action.

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