By Cathania98

84.4K 3.8K 682

Can Love be in a wrong TIME? Xiao Zhan is innocently inlove with Wang Yibo, he wish nothing than be with tha... More

The Beginning


4.7K 189 34
By Cathania98

"Haikuan ... "

A lovely voice was heard as the glass door opened wide, a beautiful woman in a dress came out with a smile drawn in her lips

"C-cheng Xiao..." Tho Haikuan was a little buffled for seeing his cousin's wife in unexpected way, he welcomed her while putting a fake smile on his face. He felt uncomfortable knowing that Yibo is with Xiao Zhan right now.

"Long time no see, ge. How you doin?" Cheng xiao said while taking few steps to get closer on Haikuan

"Well, business is doing good so far.  How about you? I mean,  why did you suddenly went back here in China .. "

Cheng xiao meanwhile chuckles, "i'm loosing track on my husband, he got himself busy these days.. "

*Cough* Haikuan seems flustered that he find himself making excuses "Ha ..ha .. y-yeah right. Yibo is busy these days"

Cheng xiao started wandering her eyes inside the office, there's a certain person she want to see, "How's the board meeting this morning, ge?"

Haikuan furrowed his brows, he got no idea what is she talking about, "What meeting? We've got no schedule for meeting today"

"For real? Yibo left too early this morning saying he got to attend the board meeting for today?"

"A-ah ...ahm yeah .. i mean " Haikuan felt nervous that he's tongue might slip and says the wrong thing Damn Yibo, look what you made me do!

"Speaking of Yibo, where is he? Why do i feel like there's no traces of my husband here?" Cheng Xiao started to look for Yibo, while haikuan can only gulps his own saliva as he doesn't know how to respond

"Isn't it better to call him .." He said, forcing himself to act normal

"I called few times yet can't reach him"

" ..... "
Haikuan scratches his nape, i'm doomed! Get your ass outta there yibo, for pete's sake.

Cheng xiao notices Haikuan acting strange, she'd known him as an upright man and seeing this new side of him makes her felt uneasy, her instinct says that there is definitely something wrong.
"ge .. don't tell me that Yibo is having an affair with another woman?"

"Woman?? No.. definitely not!" he blurted out,

Cheng xiao looks at him straight in the eyes, checking if the latter is saying the truth and yet haikuan avoided her gaze,
"You are acting strange, ge.  You know where my husband is, right?"

Haikuan paused for about a seconds trying to pull himself together and act like everything is okay, "he must've with the client. Yesterday a CEO of Wei Corporation called him to take a look for the new designs, umm yeah..thats why Yibo is not here"

Cheng xiao somehow nodded her head, "you should've said sooner .."

"Y-yeah  i'm sorry.. Ha ha" making an awkward laugh, haikuan tries to divert their topic

"So .. how's life in Newyork? We haven't seen each other for a long time, i know there's a lot for you to share ?"

"Yeah, and its better to talk about that while having a drink, right? Come to our place next time.." She chuckles

"S-should i ?"

"Hmm, since yibo is not here i'll get going. I'm afraid i might disturb you working" her lips curls up as her hand waves goodbye

"I'll visit you two nextime .." Haikuan also smiles and take a few steps to open the glass door for her.

The moment Cheng Xiao lost on his sight, he quickly brings out his phone on his pocket and called Yibo. But out of luck, Yibo's phone is still off. What the hell are you doing in Zhan's home knowing that you're wife is wandering around trying to find you, yibo!

Letting out a deep breath, he drops himself in the couch.


"Wanna have some fresh squeeze juice ?"

Xiao Zhan tries to loose himself from Yibo, the latter was hugging him from behind tightly and both are naked. They had just done a morning round.

"Seems like your body aren't that tired baobei, should we do another round?" He licks Zhan's earlobe making the latter shiver down to his spine

Zhan slaps him in the hand instead, "Aish! Enough. You want to see me limping aren't you? "

"Of course not, but you're still sexy" Yibo's hand started to roam around on Zhan's naked body, teasing and touching him sensually.

"Bo ! Cool down will you .. do you even know how big you are.. tsk!" 

Yibo only chuckles, he stretch out his arms making Zhan to face him. He kissed the latter on the lips gently,
" Zhan .. how much do you love me?"

Zhan furrows his brows, he looks yibo in the eye. Their eyes met, he can see his own reflection and yet those pair of crystal eyes from Yibo seemed to be in confusion. "Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?"

"W-what if.. if one day i'll be in huge mistake. Would you still love me?" He caress zhan's lower lip with his thumb

"What are you talkin about.. ?"

Yibo kissed him in the forehead, "I mean .. what if one day, i committed a sin that might hurt you. Will you still love me by then?"

Xiao zhan is confused, he bites his swollen lip and he seriously looks yibo again in the eye, "Bo, do you have something to tell me? "

Yibo avoided his gaze and tightened the hugged instead, zhan was caged by him. " I love you, zhan.  I only wish to be with you"

"Is something wrong, Yibo?"

Yibo sheds a drop of tears secretly, he ruffles his finger in Zhan's smooth hair repeatedly and again kissed him in the forehead while putting all his soul in it. His mind were occupied by a lot of thoughts, "i hope no matter what i might've done, you won't leave me"

Xiao zhan made a sigh out of confusion, "you're my everything Bo, i won't ever leave you, though you're always leaving me. I hope this time dont let of us become each other's tears, hmm?"

He cupped his lover's face and claim those plump lips, kissing yibo gently.. no sensual feelings, no lust in the eyes, just a deep kiss with full of love and affection.

Though Xiao zhan wonders what's in Yibo's mind, he tried his best to understand him for the meantime. If you can't say it for now, then be it as long as it won't affect our relationship. I trust you Bo, i believe you wont hurt me anymore.

While Yibo is in agony between Xiao Zhan and Cheng Xiao. Should i file for a divorce?

After the thought came out from his mind, he
get up from the bed and took a quick shower.  It was less than 20minutes and he's done. He came out from the bathroom real quick and he saw xiao zhan fell asleep. Aish, aren't you even tired of sleeping the whole day.. just the thought of his lover, he smiles.

After getting dressed, he once more took a glance from xiao zhan and gave him a peck on the lips, "I'm going home baobei.." he whispered,

Yet zhan didn't move an inch, seems like he deeply fell asleep. His phone was about to fall on the floor but luckily with yibo's long arms he catches it.  He saw zhan's lockscreen and it made him  smiled,

What should i do with you, should i just locked you in my room and be mine forever? Looking at his boyfriend adorably, he once more kiss his sleeping beauty in the forehead before going out.

Walking down from the stairs, he saw Mrs.Xiao busily preparing a food in the kitchen. "Aunt Neriza, i'm heading out.."

Mrs.Xiao look back, "Oh yibo, you going home? You should eat first"

"No thanks, aunt" he smiled

"What about zhan? Isn't he awake yet?"

"Still sleeping .. " Yibo

"Aish that kid! What a sleepyhead"

"Call him when you're done cooking Aunt, he should've be hungry by now. I'm sorry i'll gotta go first" He bowed his head and walks away.

Yibo parked his car in the basement. He went straight to see Haikuan and he knows that the latter is in the company right now. He took the lift, while his mind and soul are in a battle. His mind says that xiao zhan is no good for him, that he should end up his relationship with that man. Cheng xiao is her wife, they are married and he should take the responsibility till the end.

"Y-yibo ..??" Haikuan was startled when suddenly yibo pops up behind the glass door in the office. He stood up from the chair,

" ge .. "  without any warning, Yibo drops his head on Haikuan's shoulder, making the older man speechless.

"W-what happened, yibo?" He asked worriedly, patting the youngers back lightly

"I love him .. I can't lose him.. "

The room was filled with silence when yibo uttered those words, haikuan didn't know how to react at the moment. His cousin who's a married man was deeply in love into another man, this is crazy.

While Xiao Zhan, was forcefully gets up from the bed bcos of his grumpy brother Jiang Cheng. "Mom was calling you for millionth of times and yet here you are snoring like there's no tomorrow"

"Aishh, jiang Cheng seriously.. " xiao zhan burried his head on the pillow instead and covers his ears with a blanket

"Yibo headed home for about an hour and yet your still sleeping. Did he make you stick your ass in the air for a long--- "

"Aisshh, you and your mouth!"  Zhan throws the pillow on his brother , he's face turned into like a tomato blushing hard. 

He was about to throw an another pillow to Jiang Cheng, when he saw the two phones in the night stand. "Oh, that was Yibo's phone. Did he forget to take it?"

"Stop daydreaming you fool, get your ass outta here. Mom is waiting downstairs!" Jiang cheng gave him a roll in the eyes before opening the door and left it hanging.

Xiao zhan stretches his arms and  reach the phone, should i open it? With a naughty thoughts, he opened it and luckily there were no password sets.

Xiao zhan smilingly opens the gallery,  the photos were all about him and yibo.

Not untill the phone he was holding at rings out of a sudden. Zhan's eyes went wide and he stops breathing looking at the registered name on the screen 'Love.

He stared at the screen for about 5seconds, what is this? W-who is this .. w-why is the name 'love appearing on Yibo's phone??

In the end, he decided to answer the call. Just before he could speak, a voice of a woman was heard on the other line,
"Hello love ? What time will you go home? I cooked your favorite dish.."

Xiao zhan was shocked on to what he heard, his whole body went numb making the phone slips down from his hand. A couple of tears fell out from his eyes and run downs to his cheeks. J-just what did i heard...

just before anything could sink in his mind, he got up on his toes and grabs any shirt inside the wardrobe. He quickly search for his car key and rush out of the bedroom.

Jiang Cheng and his mother was calling at him downstairs but he barely pass them as if he heard no one. His mind went blank.

Driving in the car heading to Yibo's apartment, he cared nothing about those traffic lights and he even speed up his car like he was in a race. Pls, not again Yibo! I've had enough, i don't want to go through such pain again..

Like a thunder strikes, Xiao zhan parked his car infront of Yibo's apartment.  His breathing was ragged, he was nervously opens the car door and quietly prays, hoping that everything is just a piece of misunderstanding.

He takes his time for a few steps, before he could finally gathered all his strength to press on the door password. He took a deep breath, waiting for the door to opened.  And to his surprised, he saw a two figure standing not too far from the door ..

Cheng Xiao and Yibo was struck by the sudden opening of the door. Yibo automatically push Cheng Xiao away from him when he saw that Zhan was staring at the two of them.

"Z-zhan .. ! N-no.. i-its not w-what you think.."

Before Yibo could explain, Zhan rushed out from the door and runs away while holding back his tears. He tried his best not to fall down those damn stupid tears but sucks, he can't stop it. He was devastated, the pain he felt 5years ago came back at him all at once. His heart was once again bleeding, broken like glass and scattered into pieces.

Yibo caught him in the back, he grabs Xiao Zhan's wrist in no time that made the two of them stop from running, breathing heavily.. he uttered a word,
  "Zhan, l-let me explain... Plss"

Xiao zhan only looks at him in the eye, he remained silent, while tears are flowing nonstop down to his bare face.
"Was it fun?"

" Z-zhan .."

" did you had fun playing with my feelings ?"

"Zhan let me explain, i begged you..hear me out plss!"
Yibo tried to hug Xiao Zhan, but the latter pushed him away.

"Don't touch me.. " Zhan made a distance from Yibo, but out of a sudden he laughs dryly yet loud like a crazy man..
"what a fool i am right yibo? You made me left sehun only to be yours.  Did you enjoyed seeing me sticks my ass in the air while putting your dick inside me? Was it fun fucking me till i have no energy left? Was it fun making me stupid? Was it fun seeing me like this crying over you again? Haven't you had enough of hurting me? Are you satisfied now seeing me getting ruined? WHAT THE FUCK DID I DONE IN MY PAST LIFE TO MEET SOMEONE LIKE YOU IN THIS LIFETIME!!"

He screamed with his lungs out. Yibo remained silent but forcefully pulled xiao zhan in his arms. Zhan was giving all his might to loose himself from the cage, but Yibo tightened the hugged instead.. he locks his arms around Zhan's body..


Yibo can only cry at the moment, "Pls dont leave me Zhan.. i sincerely love you .. don't leave me .."

Hearing those begging, Xiao zhan gritted his teeth and unconsciously slapped Yibo in the left cheek out of anger, it made yibo come to his senses and slowly let zhan loose from the hugged, was that even a hug?

Xiao zhan take his steps away from Yibo and runs through the car, he quickly opens the car door and drives faster than before. His mind went black, he can't felt anything except the pain in his heart. He cried nonstop making his vision turns blur, everything became a mess! he didn't even notice the speedy truck that coming out from the intersection and

*Booogggsssssshhhhh !!*

A/N : hmmm still thinking if i should've end it with a  happy ending or a sad one 🤔🤔

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