My Sister's Keeper (TLOU Elli...

By Multifiction2513

18.4K 396 50

Follow Ellie, Dina and Ellie's twin brother Dylan as they hunt down the people responsible for Joel's death... More

You Like Her
The Dance
I'd Like To Try
Waking Up
Clearing The Supermarket
Eugene's Place
The Chalet
Packing Up
Welcome to Seattle
Take On Me
Have A Little Faith
Room For Three
Back to School
The Book Store
TV Station
The Tunnels
Flashback - Happy Birthday!
Hillcrest Part 1
Hillcrest Part 2
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 1
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 2
Road to the Hospital
Meeting the Seraphites
Hello Nora
Next Stop The Aquarium
Road To The Aquarium Part 1
Return Home
Final Farewell
Secret's Out
For Our Family
Bit Of Excitement
Peace Shattered
Finding Abby
You Let Her Go
Years Later

We Made Her Talk

325 9 0
By Multifiction2513

The twins arrived back at the theatre. The pair of them were physically and emotionally drained, the events at the hospital haunting them. Dylan watched as Ellie turned her hand into a fist, before she knocked on the door.

"It's us." Ellie said shakily.

The twins heard the chair being removed from the door before the door was swung open revealing Dina.

"Ellie." Dina smiled before engulfing Ellie in a hug, which Ellie did not return.

Dina pulled away and looked at Ellie, then back to Dylan, noticing him holding onto his bloody arm. Dylan looked to his feet before looking up at Dina.

"Are you two okay?" Dina asked and Ellie nodded slightly.

Jesse and Talia came to the door and noticed the twins appearance, both of them still covered in blood.

"Christ. Is that your blood?" Jesse asked as the twins entered the theatre.

"Oh my God. Are you guys okay?" Talia asked.

Dina looked to the twins, knowing something had happened in the theatre. Dylan was too quiet and Ellie wasn't herself.

Dina shut the door behind them and followed after the twins. Ellie stood with Dylan as she pulled out her map, showing the others what they had found.

"She's hiding out in this aquarium." Ellie informed shakily as she pointed to the map.

Ellie looked to Jesse, then back down to the map, her hands shaking as she held it.

"Okay." Dina replied as she placed her hand on Ellie's arm and took the map from her hands, "Come on."

Dina handed the map to Jesse.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Dina said to Ellie and looked back to Dylan.

Dina and Ellie walked away, followed by Dylan. As Dina and Ellie went into the auditorium, Dylan split off and headed up towards the radio room. Talia noticed and decided to follow after him. Talia headed into the radio room, finding the room empty. Talia looked behind her at the open window. She sighed and pulled up her hood before she stepped outside and headed up the ladder to the roof. Dylan was leaning against the small generator room, letting the rain water cleanse his skin of Nora's blood.

"Dylan, are you okay?" Talia asked as she moved over to Dylan.

Dylan ignored Talia as visions of Nora flashed before him. As Talia got closer to her boyfriend, she noticed the blood seeping from his arm and his back.

"You're hurt." Talia said.

Talia reached out and placed her hand on Dylan's arm. Suddenly, Dylan spun around and pulled his arm from Talia's grasp.

"Don't touch me!" Dylan exclaimed.

Talia jumped back from Dylan. She had never seen him like this before.

"Just leave me alone." Dylan said.

Talia shook her head and moved towards her boyfriend once more.

"No, I'm not leaving. Dylan, you're hurt and bleeding. Let me help you." Talia insisted.

As Talia got closer, Dylan started to become worried as visions of Nora and what he did to her became more vivid inside his mind.

"Stop! Talia, just stop! I killed her! I killed Nora!" Dylan informed as he broke down.

Talia looked to Dylan in shock and stepped back slightly.

"You know, some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes to protect the ones we love. To avenge those we loved." Dylan informed before looking away.

"What did you do, Dylan?" Talia asked as she looked to Dylan with a look of concern.

"I put her out of her misery." Dylan replied.

Dylan turned away from Talia and ran his hand through his hair, before he turned back to face Talia.

"But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? You don't know how it feels to take a life. You've never had to make the hard decision ever in your life. To kill or not to kill. You wouldn't understand anything that I'm going through because you'd rather hide away in the infirmary or the kitchen. You would rather other people risk their lives for you because you're this beautiful damsel who needs to be protected. Well, I guess you're welcome sweetheart. One less Wolf you've got to worry about ending your life." Dylan spat.

"Damsel? Okay, so me risking my life to come out here to help you, is that something a damsel would do?" Talia asked as she was becoming angry with Dylan.

Dylan shook his head and looked to Talia.

"No, that's something an idiot would do. Cause only an idiot who can barely use a gun would be stupid enough to follow four of the most strongest people out to this wasteland. It's only because of Jesse that you haven't gotten yourself killed." Dylan replied before he stormed back off into the theatre as he barged past his girlfriend.

Talia stood on the roof in shock at Dylan's words. Tears began to fall from Talia's eyes as she entered the radio room. She sank down to the floor and cried as Dylan's words hurt her heart.

Meanwhile, in the changing room Dina was preparing to clean up Ellie's wounds. Ellie sat on the divan, taking deep breaths as Dina entered the room with a bucket of water.

"Arms up." Dina instructed.

Ellie pulled her shirt over her head with a little help from Dina. She winced as the cloth dragged across the wound on her shoulder.

Dina moved to sit behind Ellie. Dina grabbed the cloth from the bucket and wrung it out before gently wiping over Ellie's back. Ellie winced slightly as she felt the water run into her wound. Tears were beginning to fall silently as the events at the hospital lingered in her mind.

Dina continued to clean up Ellie's back as Ellie began to speak.

"We made her talk." Ellie informed.

Dina looked to Ellie and stopped cleaning her up. Ellie took her face in her hands as she realised what she had just said. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.

"Hey...It's okay." Dina said.

Ellie calmed down slightly and Dina wrapped her arms around Ellie's shoulders and kissed her shoulder. Ellie took hold of Dina's arm and rubbed it softly with her thumb.

"I don't want to lose you." Ellie whispered.

"Good." Dina whispered back before placing a kiss on Ellie's neck.

Once Dina had finished cleaning up Ellie, she left her to rest on the divan. As she exited the room, she found Dylan on the couch in the corridor.

"Dylan, are you okay?" Dina asked as she sat beside him.

"I'm a terrible boyfriend. I just hurt Talia with everything I just said. And my back and arm are killing me. Also, I got some stuff for you in my backpack." Dylan replied.

Dina nodded and looked to Dylan's wounds.

"Okay, one thing at a time. Let's clean you up and you can tell me what happened with Talia." Dina informed.

Dylan nodded and removed his shirt. Dina cleaned up Dylan's wounds as he told her what had happened with Talia on the roof. As Dina finished up cleaning Dylan's wounds, Talia entered the corridor.

"Hey, Dina. Can I talk with Dylan please?" Talia asked.

"Of course. Just two seconds." Dina replied as she finished stitching up Dylan's arm.

Dina stood up and went to leave, but Dylan took her hand.

"D, take my bag. There's an IV and plenty of fluid in there. It should help with everything." Dylan informed as he handed Dina his bag.

"Thank you, D." Dina replied before she kissed his cheek and left the couple.

Talia moved and sat beside Dylan. Talia went to speak, but Dylan beat her to it.

"Before you say anything, I would just like to apologise for everything I said to you on the roof. I didn't mean a single word. I was just...It's just this one really hit me hard and made me think about myself and what I'm capable of. I never what to experience something like that again. I'm so sorry I took all my built up frustration on you. I love you, Talia and I hope you can forgive me for being a complete asshole." Dylan declared.

Talia smiled and pulled Dylan into a hug.

"I forgive you, but you were right about some things." Talia informed.

Dylan pulled away and looked to Talia.

"I don't have the experience like you or Ellie. I do just work in the infirmary and kitchen. But once I knew Jesse was coming to help you, I knew that I had to join him. I love you, Dylan and I wasn't going to let you come out here and risk your life alone. I wanted to be here for you, whether that be emotionally or having your back in a fight. In those two weeks with Jesse, he taught me a hell of a lot, so I know how to handle myself now." Talia stated.

Dylan pulled Talia in and kissed her. He pulled away and leant his forehead on hers.

"I love you so much, Talia. I don't want to lose you." Dylan declared.

"Good and I love you more, D." Talia replied with a smile.

The couple rested on the couch, drifting off to sleep in a matter of minutes.

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